Aromasin ED or EOD! What does every1 think?

but I'm gonna be using Nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) along with clomid. Why would I need aromasin? Doesn't nolva have same effect on estrogen level?

Do you guys think that I should run aromasin until post cycle therapy (pct) starts? Throughout post cycle therapy (pct)? or stop it with last test E injection?

post cycle therapy (pct) is clomid and nolva for 4 weeks!

Do you guys think that I should run aromasin until post cycle therapy (pct) starts? Throughout post cycle therapy (pct)? or stop it with last test E injection?

post cycle therapy (pct) is clomid and nolva for 4 weeks!


Its tough to give a cookie cutter answer but definitely run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as long as you are on cycle and while the ester is clearing. Some guys get a bit of a spike in E2 post post cycle therapy (pct) so its a good time to get labs and see if you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then.
Its tough to give a cookie cutter answer but definitely run the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as long as you are on cycle and while the ester is clearing. Some guys get a bit of a spike in E2 post post cycle therapy (pct) so its a good time to get labs and see if you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then.

Thanks heavy for your invaluable responses. So I'm assuming that means I should use it till the end of cycle and perhaps a week or two until post cycle therapy (pct) starts! If I find high E2 levels after I do blood work post post cycle therapy (pct), then I should use it adequately!?
Thanks heavy for your invaluable responses. So I'm assuming that means I should use it till the end of cycle and perhaps a week or two until PCT starts! If I find high E2 levels after I do blood work post PCT, then I should use it adequately!?

Yes sir
This thread has helped me so much. Just wanted to say thanks. I'll be starting my first cycle soon and this answered some questions.
this is a old ass thread with lots of smart guys but times do change..You can easly run aro at 12.5 eod if you have pills.If its liquid I would start it at 6mg ED and go up from there if needed.Just for the record im on 12.5 eod and doing great.I once also thought aro has to be ED a great vet changed my mind
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So with this high of a level estrogen on a cycle of 100mg test p 75mg tren a , 75mg masteron p eod and 50mg of proviron would I use aromasin in wich way?
Some say ED other say eod still others say e3d drives me nuts.
Here in Belgium some said 25mg ed for a week then back down to 12.5mg ed and 3th week 6.25mg
Then somebody else says take 25mg eod or 12.5 eod and that he doesn't understand why I should lower the dose cause I should want to remain stable levels....mmm
Can somebody help me out here?
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So with this high of a level estrogen on a cycle of 100mg test p 75mg tren a , 75mg masteron p eod and 50mg of proviron would I use aromasin in wich way?
Some say ED other say eod still others say e3d drives me nuts.
Here in Belgium some said 25mg ed for a week then back down to 12.5mg ed and 3th week 6.25mg
Then somebody else says take 25mg eod or 12.5 eod and that he doesn't understand why I should lower the dose cause I should want to remain stable levels....mmm
Can somebody help me out here?

You just replied to a thread from 2012. Aromasin has a short half life and should be taken daily. Dosages are user dependent. Everyone is different. Blood work will tell you if you need more or less Aromasin.

Please refer to this thread started by you for advice on Aromasin.
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