aromatase inhibitors and PCT

J steel

New member
I am taking 1mg Ldex a day in my current cycle (very gyno prone)...............I will be taking both clomid and nolva in my post cycle..........I was going to continue the Ldex as well during that time. Is this correct and at the same dosage? It just seems like so many anti-es.
I wouldn't recommend you to use Ldex post cycle... Your test will be very low post cycle, so your estrogen will be low also... which is bad for your lipid profile..
Although arimidex may help to boost natural test production post cycle, I tend to agree with hhajdo for the reasons he mentioned. Plus his opinion carries a lot of weight.
well then let me ask you this. i will be running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (500ius ED) for the two weeks after my last Cyp shot. i plan to continue Ldex and jump on nolva at this point...........and then discontinue Ldex and combine clomid with the nolva for the following three weeks after that. does this make sense to you guys.

btw, next time around i will be doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) every weekend throughout instead of all at the end, but this is how it needs to be done this time.
Use Nolvadex post cycle instead.Im sure its actually good for your Lipid profile.Not 100% sure on this though,anyone?