man on a mission
Damn i stepped into a bear trap!
i hate it when someone gets my goat - I was doing dips and this asshole with attitude from the 'hood" is hovering so i asked him if he wanted to work in. so he does a set - then comes back as I'm in the miidle of my set asking if I'm done (when I'm at the top of a dip) i say no - I'm still doing 1 more set so then he goes on and says i don't Fukkin own it, etc. and i get my dander up - so i make it a drop set (I was using 35 & 25lb weights)
he goes off swearing like crazy mof this and that, etc.- I tell him I'm friendly to everyone in the gym - more shit. Then i try to say its a smal gym lets just respect each other and he starts threatening me and i have to get away from him, etc.
So then during the rest of my workout he's stealing weights off my bench, etc. i try again to call a truce and he goes off again.
URGH! - I felt like pounding him, but he's prolly a drug dealer with a gun in his bag...
i hate it when someone gets my goat - I was doing dips and this asshole with attitude from the 'hood" is hovering so i asked him if he wanted to work in. so he does a set - then comes back as I'm in the miidle of my set asking if I'm done (when I'm at the top of a dip) i say no - I'm still doing 1 more set so then he goes on and says i don't Fukkin own it, etc. and i get my dander up - so i make it a drop set (I was using 35 & 25lb weights)
he goes off swearing like crazy mof this and that, etc.- I tell him I'm friendly to everyone in the gym - more shit. Then i try to say its a smal gym lets just respect each other and he starts threatening me and i have to get away from him, etc.
So then during the rest of my workout he's stealing weights off my bench, etc. i try again to call a truce and he goes off again.
URGH! - I felt like pounding him, but he's prolly a drug dealer with a gun in his bag...