Attention hair gurus!


New member
Two questions:

1. Is DHT inperative for muscle gain? Will proscar inhibit gains?

2. If I use proscar with a test cycle and dont lose any hair, will I lose the hair I was supposed to lose during my cycle after I stop the test and proscar.
#1: No. No, not to any appreciable extent. (IMPO)

#2: Cycle or not, if one uses Propecia, or dutasteride, or minoxidil for that matter, one will "catch up" to one's natural state of baldness once the drug is discontinued. If you start Proscar, keep it up until something better is released. Or don't start it at all. It's not rational to just take it during a cycle.
I know of no evidence that finasteride is effective or ineffective when used for short periods of high test levels, such as a cycle. The studies were all done on men with normal range testosterone levels.
I am prone to androgenetic alopecia (MPB), therefore, I use Propecia all the time, cycle or no cycle.
You may refer to my post on hair loss on the articles section of this board.
I disagree with buffdoc. IMHO it is useful to use proscar only during a cycle if you are prone to MPB.

Of course if you are prone to MPB you will be better off staying on it all the time, however if you use it just during the test cycle you will still block a significant amount of the elevated DHT which will occur due to the temporary elevated test levels and will protect your self, to some extent, better than if you dont use it.

Even if you are on proscar or propecia anyway, you may also get some benefit by raising your doseage while "on". However bear in mind that the extra protection wont be much as the studies have shown that increasing the dose from 1mg daily to 5mg daily only produces a small extra reduction in DHT levels, and after 5mg extra finasteride produces virtually no further reduction in DHT.

If you decide to take it only on cycle it is worth starting it a month before the cycle starts to allow it time to inactivate the 5aR enzyme already in the body.
Im with buffdoc on this one.If you take proscar only on cycle then it will obviosly not work as well when you do it again thats if you cycle every other 8 weeks if your going to use it just stay on it I mean it cant do any harm by staying on,I am not prone to hairloss but I stay on proscar all the time even between cycles only because I am a paranoid whore about my INMO
dragon06 said:
Two questions:

1. Is DHT inperative for muscle gain? Will proscar inhibit gains?

2. If I use proscar with a test cycle and dont lose any hair, will I lose the hair I was supposed to lose during my cycle after I stop the test and proscar.

hey bro.......first of all if you use proscar to save hair you will have to keep using it long term, to keep any of the hair the drug MIGHT save or it you are doing a cycle or not. Second, I disagree with the notion that just becasue dht does not have direct anabolic benefits, it will therefore not hinder gains. The opposite is true in my opinion. Lack of dht will translate to more receptors available for estrogen to attach to (not very scientific language I know!). Bro if you have a decent shaped head and you are not extremely white, I would not worry about the hair at all and I would just shave my head. Hair is way overrated and chicks (the horny ones) love men with shaved heads. But ofcourse I am not in your shoes so I cannot tell you to not worry about your hair and just shave it.
I have shaved my head long time ago and never been hair nothing......just looking bad ass always.
I dont want to sound negative, but if you are predisposed to hair loss, then you will lose your hair.....the only way to stop male pattern baldness permeanantly is to alter your hair genes.....but we need to wait a few more decades for such a thing to be available for us bald people!!
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I just looked at the actual numbers again:

1mg finasteride reduces serum DHT by 71.4%
5mg finasteride reduces serum DHT by 72.2%

So just a little less than 1% more DHT reduction.
Good answers here.

The reason I dont want to stay on proscar forever is because ive heard that it hinders gains.

And what essex boy says makes sence, if I can decrease the elevated dht during a cycle I should be able to stop proscar after the cycle and just lose the hair at the speed I did before the cycle???