ATTN: Muy Thai Guy


bob marley

Where else do you post? Sherdog? Ironlife? UFC? Spill it man.
Muay Thai Guy is in Thailand right now training so he hasn't been online very often. I do know that he is over at Ironlife but I'm not too sure about Sherdog. :)
Fyre said:
Muay Thai Guy is in Thailand right now training so he hasn't been online very often. I do know that he is over at Ironlife but I'm not too sure about Sherdog. :)

thanks fyre
Fyre's right, I'm in Thailand at the moment so i'm not really on the forums much but she told me that someone had posted a question for me.
So bob marley,
I post mainly on Ironlife.
I occassionally post on other forums too.
Those include (though my nickname there is different)
Chokemuay forum
I'm also a member at alot of forums but i don't post much
I post once in a blue moon over at Cagewarriors because one of my best friends makes me
I'm a member here and at sbi for some odd reason though....

Why do u ask buddy?
Muay Thai Guy said:
Fyre's right, I'm in Thailand at the moment so i'm not really on the forums much but she told me that someone had posted a question for me.
So bob marley,
I post mainly on Ironlife.
I occassionally post on other forums too.
Those include (though my nickname there is different)
Chokemuay forum
I'm also a member at alot of forums but i don't post much
I post once in a blue moon over at Cagewarriors because one of my best friends makes me
I'm a member here and at sbi for some odd reason though....

Why do u ask buddy?

Just wantin to know. I float around the MMA forums and you were one of the only other one's from this board that i have seen talk about MMA related stuff.