BA/BB pain


New member
Just done a prop coversion that keeps crashing every 3 days.Ive been adjusting it to make it hold but its now getting painful.

Which solvent gives the most pain?
did you follow the instructions on the kitchen chemists handbook(posted as a sticky).

if you did this ...then u shouldn't have a problem.

dougo and friends...this guy needs some advise!

need back up pronto. lol.
ba is whats painful. depending on how sensitive you are 5% and higher is not fun.
prop can be a pain in the ass to work with.

slovents normally dont cause the pain. its the depot thats left. and T prop is just painful for some folks.

amy i ask what you used initially?
Yea what did you use to begin with. The BB is your best friend in this all to common situation. You can get the BB to 25%...and with a finicky roid like tprop...its only gonna be less and less painful. Whats happening is (like PB said) It crashes in your ass, and the solvent BA doesnt help much with this since BA is preferably water soluble. BB is what you need, but even then you need to realize that prop HURTS so people no matter what.
My prop is holding in 1.5% BA 4% BB in walnut oil, perfectly stable, and virtually undetectable shot wise. It is warm where I live though :shrug: i.e. my enanthate powder is liquid all day and all night now that the heat is picking up.
Mudge said:
My prop is holding in 1.5% BA 4% BB in walnut oil
Dayum, goes to show you its fickle.

Mudge was the powder very course crystaline like table sugar, or more fine yet dense like...dextrose or beachsand?
Initially made it up using 2.5/7.5.The shots were smooth-no pain.Then it turned to sludge so i bumped it up to 3.5/11.Held for 3 days but then started to look like it had little shards of glass in it.Currently its at 4/13 but im in agony everywhere.

Need to make a fresh batch but obviously im going to need a different recipe this time.So-if i use more BB and less BA...the pain level shouldnt get worse?

Also....if it crashes in the muscle,what happens to the hormone?Does it get utilised,is it wasted,does it cause any damage??

Thanks for your time peeps.
DougoeFre5h said:
Dayum, goes to show you its fickle.

Mudge was the powder very course crystaline like table sugar, or more fine yet dense like...dextrose or beachsand?

Yeah, try mixing it with Cyp. Two bitchy ass compounds. I had no probs but I have heard with making a blend sometimes, especially with these two it can be a task. But yet again, i had no problems so my post is useless!! lol
RJH8541 said:
Yeah, try mixing it with Cyp. Two bitchy ass compounds. I had no probs but I have heard with making a blend sometimes, especially with these two it can be a task. But yet again, i had no problems so my post is useless!! lol

your posts are neve useles as long as you got madine in the atavars.
DougoeFre5h said:
Mudge was the powder very course crystaline like table sugar, or more fine yet dense like...dextrose or beachsand?

I dont know if a pic would help but I still have 5g tucked away. When I saw it, I understood why short esters were harder to work with. I would lean more towards option #2, the crystals weren't that huge but they seemed visible, it was not fine like nolvadex/dbol/drol. Once I applied the heat it got into suspension pretty quickly. I'd almost say the tren enan @ 250mg/ml took longer, it stuck together in a clump for a bit (couple grams of it).