Back on hrt, keep gaining weight


New member
Short story. I was on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) early 2012 with Maximus. I went from 210lbs to a mean 185 using a 3j diet and lifting 3 days a week. I stopped Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for 8 months and attempted a pct restart. Test was super low at 235 ng/dl and I gained back up to 200lbs. I have been with IMT now for 9 weeks, latest labs have testosterone at 1100, estradiol was 22. My dosage is 200mg weekly, 500iu hcg, .5mg Aromatase inhibitor (AI) x 2 weekly.

I have had impressive strength gains and recovery is better than before. Only problem is I've gained nearly 14lbs eating 2300-2500 calories a day. WTF? I skipped out on a company "biggest loser" contest because I have zero faith I'll lose anything. I don't do cardio, I didn't last time. I squated and dead lifted it all off.

I train 3 days a week push, pull, legs/shoulders

Sample diet:

2 eggs
3/4 cup whites
2 slices Ezekiel bread

5oz chicken
1.5oz almonds

6oz chicken
1/2 cup brown rice
Green beans/broccoli

1 scoop Whey/jack3d pre workout

1.5 scoop whey post lifting

6oz chicken or ground turkey
1 cup brown rice
2 Zucchini

1 cup 2% cottage cheese
1 tbsp natural peanut butter

I take all that in over and over day in and day out. I'm now 214lbs. I set a new PR with overhead press and rack lockouts just this week. I have better pushing strength than before and weaker deads and squats.

Any ideas? On my next labs I was going to check my thyroid. Wondering if my cycle off of testosterone after Maximus shut down screwed me up good.
Damn those are impressive labs! Glad to know IMT was able to dial you in to perfection! Looks like it might be time to talk to 3J again as your body composition might have changed a bit since last time. Cardio isn't a bad idea either, just limit it to 20-30 minutes post-workout.

My .02c :)
Damn those are impressive labs! Glad to know IMT was able to dial you in to perfection! Looks like it might be time to talk to 3J again as your body composition might have changed a bit since last time. Cardio isn't a bad idea either, just limit it to 20-30 minutes post-workout.

My .02c :)

I was happy with the numbers. When i was with maximus i too 200mg every 5 days and used more anastrozol. I was always trying to lower my estradiol it would range between 44-30 pg/ml. Now with IMT I take 200mg a week in two seperate 100mg shots along with half the amount of anastrozol. Smaller doses really helped estrogen spikes.

I should attempt more cardio on the days between lifting and see if that changes things. I did notice on my recent labs that my glucose was 96 eventhough i was fasted. Im wondering if insulin sensitivity will be an issue now.
I was happy with the numbers. When i was with maximus i too 200mg every 5 days and used more anastrozol. I was always trying to lower my estradiol it would range between 44-30 pg/ml. Now with IMT I take 200mg a week in two seperate 100mg shots along with half the amount of anastrozol. Smaller doses really helped estrogen spikes.

I should attempt more cardio on the days between lifting and see if that changes things. I did notice on my recent labs that my glucose was 96 eventhough i was fasted. Im wondering if insulin sensitivity will be an issue now.

Nah, I wouldn't worry about insulin resistance unless you start popping above 120mg/dL on fasted glucose. Eating a carb-heavy meal at night can still impact your bloods in the morning, even if you're healthy. I always try to do cardio after every training day except legs. I can barely walk to the car, not to mention riding a bike/elliptical/treadmill haha.
came in at 216 this morning after switching up to a 4 day split. i also switched to taking my anastrozol the day after test injections rather than taking them together.

the first week of july my work schedule will change and i will have the opportunity to work out in the mornings, possibly in a fasted state. any one have any advice on that?
Decided to change things up at bit. I started a TKD style diet. Ive been eating high fats and only eating carbs post lifting. So far so good. Im still staying in the 2500 calorie range. Im sure what i have lost so far is water but its made a huge difference. Last weigh in i was at 213 but was able to go down a notch on my belt.

The last blood test i had my estrogen was in check at 22pg/ml. Didnt think i was bloating that bad. I no longer sweat my ass off at work or feel sluggish.
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I would try intermittent fasting. It works wonders for me.

Fasted cardio seems to double the effects too...

My eating window is roughly 12pm-8pm right now and I do my cardio around 11am completely fasted. 45mins hard on the elliptical 6x/week and the fat is melting off faster than expected! 3-5lbs/wk!
I was 210 this morning.

Started a new work schedule today. Training sessions will be in the mornings from now on. Today was a low dose of ECA and 30 minutes LISS on the ellipticle. I actually feel pretty damn good! Tomorrow will be leg day then wednesday i will do a carb up staying within 2500-3000 cals.
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