Back to the dark side.....


New member
Wish me luck... Started yesterday.

30mg dbol daily for 6 weeks.
750mg test e for 8 weeks.
400mg deca for 8 weeks.
.25 arimidex every day until PCT.
500 iu of HCG every 5th day until PCT.
Normal clomd and nolvadex for pct.

thats whats good for me. I want time to cut for the summer. Ill be done with all this shit right at the beginning of march and will have a couple months to cut. Next winter I might do a real HEAVY bulking cycle and incorporate tren, but let me see how this trip to the other side goes.
By the way, from reading a lot of posts here, I am doing a pretty good cycle, even if it is for only 8 weeks. Any opinions are welcome.
rchurchman said:
By the way, from reading a lot of posts here, I am doing a pretty good cycle, even if it is for only 8 weeks. Any opinions are welcome.
If 8 weeks gets the job done, then where's the problem? :dunno: Nothing wrong with shorter cycles IMVHO... :beertoast
Test might be on the high side for a second cycle but I wouldnt call 400mg deca high. Nor 30mg dbol - but that I'd cut at week 4.

Dont plan on one dose of adex, prepare to tinker with the doseage to your liking.
Looks like a good 4-5th cycle but for a 2nd cycle it seems a bit extreme... nicely laid out tho...
I still gained 15lb's just on 500mg's of test on my 4th cycle. im coming up on my 5th cycle ans its the same thing 500mg's test-e for 14 weeks. im gonna stick at 500mg's unti i no longer gin much off it, thats what I would reommend to anyone.
rchurchman said:
U think I should up to 10 weeks then instead of 8?

Run the Test for 10 and the Deca for 9. That way they will both clear enough to start post cycle therapy (pct) two weeks after last Test injection.
lifterdanman said:
Why just eight weeks?

ive got a buddy who has ran 4 cycles(think he is on like 6 now) and he stops gaining after week 8, so he also just does 8 weekers now

its worth a shot anyhow, everyone is different