Bad Breakout Please Help!!!!


New member
Hey Fellas

I'm 10 days into my first cycle:

500mg Testex Cyp
300mg Deca

I've noticed a mass of red blotches on my back, I had the same red spots there before I started, but they seem to have spread since I started my cycle.

They are not itchy or sore, just a little dry, what is the best treatment for this??

Thanks, Jock
Jock said:
Hey Fellas

I'm 10 days into my first cycle:

500mg Testex Cyp
300mg Deca

I've noticed a mass of red blotches on my back, I had the same red spots there before I started, but they seem to have spread since I started my cycle.

They are not itchy or sore, just a little dry, what is the best treatment for this??

Thanks, Jock

Not really sure, but if they're any type of acne related to the gear, try tanning. It'll minimize them and the color will help hide them as well.
Tea Tree oil my friend. Dab a little tea tree on them, that'll dry them up. If you can't reach them, put a few drops in a bath and soak in that for a while. Witch Hazel is also good for break outs.
You can buy it at any health food store or even Shopper's Drug Mart has it. Are you taking an antioxidant as well? If not, get a good A,C,E blend and start taking that too.
Hope that helps.;)
Oh shit, I just realized that you said they were dry. Tea Tree might make ur skin too dry but it is good for minor skin irritations too.
Hmmm...they're not itchy and they were there before u started ur cycle? You may be lacking something in your body, so the antioxidant blend still sounds like a good idea to me. Have you had this problem before?
Something similar happened to me on my first cycle...I had extremely bad acne from the test, and a pharmacist friend gave me pills that were used for acne, but were in the same distinction as penicillin, and it helped a lot. Some of you guys may know the name of the pills...I've seen it mentioned on boards for acne just escapes me right now.
Or go to vitamin worl and get 1000mgs per pill and take 5 a day. Some people ned 10grams a day but I am not taking 10 horse pills everyday.
B-5!!! 8-12grams a day is having a sale. Buy 2 get 3 free! Its $12 per bottle of 100, 500mg pills so thats $5.50 a bottle including shipping!

Thanks Lawn...I just ordered some..I always have a problem w/ acne...some here some there....
Taz is probably talking about Tetracycline. I took that for a short period of time about 10 years ago, and it caused severe weakening in my teeth. I had flawless teeth before that, but nothing but problems since, and I know others with the same issue. My dental surgeon could tell from looking at my wisdom teeth one time that I'd taken this stuff.

Obviously it works for some people, but the cost of the fillings, etc. made that an expensive prescription for me.

BTW, I've also had some success with b5.
The ! said:
Taz is probably talking about Tetracycline. I took that for a short period of time about 10 years ago, and it caused severe weakening in my teeth. I had flawless teeth before that, but nothing but problems since, and I know others with the same issue. My dental surgeon could tell from looking at my wisdom teeth one time that I'd taken this stuff.

Obviously it works for some people, but the cost of the fillings, etc. made that an expensive prescription for me.

BTW, I've also had some success with b5.'s not tetracycline...

Damnit if it doesn't escape me now...oh fuck, I just thought of it...Bactrim. Bactrim is the name of the shit he prescribed worked well.