Bad Injection


New member
the other day i injected and i wasnt really paying attention and when i looked down the needle wasnt in as far as it shoulda been.. i use a 1.5 inch for glutes and it was prob half way in... now im pretty sure i got it into the muscle just not as deep as i usually go.. My Question is this... will the AS still get into my muscles even if it wasnt injected as deep as i usually go . i usually do 1.5 inch and leave about 1/4 - 1/8 of it showing just incase the pin breaks??
my friend broke one in his ass and it scared the shit out of him. had to go and have it taken out by a doctor.
The pin wont break....
After years of worrying about it needlessly, I tend to agree...I know plenty of guys, and it never occured once with anyone.
BALLER said:
my friend broke one in his ass and it scared the shit out of him. had to go and have it taken out by a doctor.

That metal will bend like a paperclip before it breaks... I am guessing he broke the plastic fitting at the top going into the syringe... He could have pulled that out wtih pliers.
ok but about my QUESTION!!.. will the AS still get asorbed into my muscles even if not injected that far
anavar said:
ok but about my QUESTION!!.. will the AS still get asorbed into my muscles even if not injected that far

Not really. If you actually got it sub-q (into the fat) instead of intra-muscular, then your levels will spike, then drop off as absorbtion won't be even. In the entire scheme of things as a cycle goes, it isn't worth crying over, as it does happen from time to time. but just try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
You'll be fine. Even if u were in the fat, it still gets absorbed, just at a shitty rate. But it sounds to me if u still had an inch in their u mighta still been in the muscle. Sounds like ur good to go.