balls hurting after bout week off pct, whats going on?


New member
hey guys jus needing some advice. Im 37 yr old and have done on cycle of test E 12 weeks with good gains and pct with nolva n clomid everything went fine bout 2 mths later done a cycle of test E again for 12 weeks
at 600 mg week and prob the last 5 weeks stacked a prohormone. now heres where everthing went all to hell started PCT bout week after with clomid nolva cycle assit ran it bout 5 weeks and I was getting wores by the day
with dead sex drive couldn't get bonner save my ass so I picked up clomid n nolva again for bout 2 more weeks at 40 clomid 20mg and stoped but still sex drive gone and wiyhout Cialis or something no bonner and now ball real sore n senceitive to touch , whats going on and what did I do wrong sorda getting worried now/
First you need bloods or your guess is as good as ours. If you need more pct at this point you could drop the tamox for ralox its a little more boner friendly. DAA is dirt cheap and works pretty well also you could hit up one of our supp sponsors and grab some, id recommend sns daa. Did you obtain your clomid and tamox from the prior source?
Daa does nada. You need time off from compounds. Your body is a miraculous healing machine if you let it do it's job
Can't tell medically what's going without blood work.

But, I may be able to tell you what's going on philosophically -

You had WAY to much sex while on cycle, you abused powers,, god is angry,, he is now punishing you and balancing out the scales
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You're probably still shut down. If you're going to cycle, you need to give your body time to recover, which you didn't do (time off = time on + PCT) and are likely paying the price.

Get a blood test ( is cheap and private), and post your results here. You'll want the female hormone panel as it includes everything you need to know and is the best bang for your buck. Once we know what's going on we can help determine the best course of action from here.

Testicular aches are normal when the testes go dormant as well as when they're being stimulated back into action. It could be either, as long as you don't notice any lumps or an unnatural twisting of a testicle.

My .02c :)
this is a total shot in the dark bro but ephedrine and some other pre-workouts have made my balls sore and hurt to touch. I've been told it's prostate related. just my experience and could have nothing to do with your problem.
yes bout week after cycle I started pct , what should I have done? also I been taking tribulus to try help boost libido for what ever it might b worth and jus started taking con-cret creatine and a vitapak from gnc called beyond raw reload paks trying to get back a lil muscle with without anything else , could this have cause sore nuts? ive already got labs no results yet, others said I shoulda waited get labs 4-6 weeks to get labs after pct . damn so much to know whos rt whos wrong obvisiouly I did something wrong its been damn good leason jus like to know the proper way to do a cycle n proper pct .
PCT on a long ester like test E, 20 days after last pin.

Also remember, Time on + PCT = Time OFF

Unless you want to be on TRT or whatever.