BARABANOFF- Newport Pharmaceuticals Test-e/Dbol


Well, It's August and I'm ready to start my bulk cycle before It starts to snow up here in this frozen barren wasteland. lol
I'm planning to start my first pin on Monday, August, 6th.
Gear I'm running is Newport Pharmaceuticals and Some Jap HCG.

I've posted in the "Free diet advice" thread by 3J mid-Jul but never received a reply. I think he's quite busy..
I've been on a few sites doing some research and they all had conflicting percentages on P/C/F
and it kind of discouraged me to even try. I'm wondering how do you customize the macro %'s for the type of diet/goals I want? and..
How different are the macros gonna fluctuate while on cycle vs. off?
Any advice appreciated.
**I'll update with photos soon.**

Let's get started, yeah!? :chomp:

Age: 23
Height: 6'1" / 73"
Weight: 185lbs/ 84kg
BF: 17%
LBM: 153.5lbs/ 69.7kg
Goals: lean mass (Clean Bulk)

(3J's "Free diet advice thread" fomulas)
BMR formula1: 1875
BMR formula2: 2302
TDEE (BMR 1): 3112
TDEE (BMR 2) 3821

Mon: chest/triceps
Tues: back/biceps
Wed: legs
Thurs: shoulders
Fri: abs/forearms
Sat: cardio
Sun: off

*WO at approx 2-3pm ED
*8-10 reps/ 3-4 sets
*cardio 15% incline, 5mph, 30-40mins HR: approx 140/min (Brisk walk) 1-2/wk

(Quick typical weekday)
I've been eating 4-5 meals/day (including 1 PWO shake). I don't know the macros on what I've been eating.
I have been eating relatively healthy for the past month but I know I'm definitely not eating enough.
-7am-My breakfasts have been quick and not that great w/ simple carbs and fruit.
-9am- (In class-Massage therapy student) Raw almonds and avocado or fruit.
-1230pm- Chicken breast and a small slice of yam, mashed with cinnamon & Pre-WO
-2pm-PWO iso protein shake w/skim milk.
-5pm- Brown rice w/ chicken breast and veggies (broccoli/carrots)
-sometimes between 7-9pm i'll snack on nuts, fruit, veggies.
-Also sometimes I'll make a protein shake and drink half before bed and the other half when I wake up

Whey isolate
Casein protein
Creatine monohydrate
GNC mega men multi-vit
Fish oil
Milk Thistle (Liver support)
1MR pre-WO

CYCLE: (Draw with 18g/Pin with 23g)
Weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg/ED
Weeks 1-10 test enanthate 500mg/wk
Weeks 7-11 HCG 500iu/wk
Weeks 11-16 Aromasin 15/15/15/15/10/10 ED
Weeks 13-16 Nolvadex 50/50/25/25 ED


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your cycle looks good I would run the test for at least 12 weeks to get the most out of it.I would also run a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout the cycle.Dbols and test both convert to estro quickly.Get your self some clomid to run with the nolva during pct.I would not use creatine during the cycle no need for it.Beside that the cycle is very well planned out good luck brother
I've got 2 vials of test-e 250ui/10ml.(want to do 500ui/wk)
How would you recommend I stretch the cycle out for 12 weeks?

May add the clomid. If I get any gyno flare up's during the cycle, what would you suggest I take with what ive got on hand?
Scratch the aromasin. I couldn't snag any. Ive got Letrozole (Femara, 1.25mg/100 per bottle aka 125mg total) Nolvadex (20mg/50 per bottle)
How should I administer my letro for PCT?
your going to need another bottle of test always good to have more then u need.If u cant get more run it at 400mg for 12 weeks.the clomid isnt so much for gyno as it is for helping your balls start working during pct.Letro brother is a very harsh compound it only used if u have gyno and are trying to reverse it I would stick with aromasin or arimidex for estrogen control during cycle but always a smart idea to have letro.Im big on having everything I need on hand and more before I start my cycle its just safer to do things like that.
Alright, trying to get me some aromasin.
I'll keep the letro on hand.
As for the test, Is it going to be a significant difference running 400iu for 12wk's rather than 500iu for 10wk's?
not really i think the gains will be better at 400 12 weeks then 500 10 weeks.The shit takes about 5 weeks to truly kick in.
12 weeks is better then 10 for sure.

Agreed Letro is too mean.

I am going to agree with Shithead on the PCT.

I am not a fan of creatine while ON Cycle but at 400mgs you'll be okay, it's overkill IMO.
Either way it's a nice simple cycle... Have nolva on hand for gyno, as it works the quickest...20mg of nolva per day till the symptoms subside then 10mg/day for the rest of the cycle..If you find you have issues with estrogen in future cycles, then i would recommend adex @0.5mg/day or aromasin @25mg/day.
Just did my first pin about an hour ago. (Glute) Everything went very well.
Any newbies in here, I recommend putting hot water in a dish and letting the vial sit and the rubber stopper just above the water for a few mins to warm up the oil.
While I was waiting I jumped in the shower, really helped calm the nerves before the first pin. (+ Alcohol swabs as per tradish.)
Very smooth injection.

I'm no longer taking creatine.
Just wondering if their's a certain time of day to take the dbol and should I spread out the 40mg throughout the day? or does it matter?

Thanks for the advice so far gearology fam!
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Bailed on the longboard on tues. Too much speed on a turn. Sprained ankle (Right talofibular lig.) and also smashed my shoulder pretty good.
Shoulder's the worst. (feels like a deep sharp pain when I raise my arm above 90 degrees).
May have to go to the doc's for this one..

Going to have to post-pone this cycle till I figure out what's wrong. Hopefully no lig. damage.

Only did one pin and two days of dbol.

FUCK LONGBOARDS! lesson learned.

I'll update either sun/mon on whether I'm good to go.
Shoulder is nearly better, ankle and thumb are in the late sub-acute stage of sprain/strain.
Gonna take this week off to recover some more and then get back on track.