Baseball player busted for T-BOL!

Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Chris Colabello suspended 80 games by Major League Baseball

.. This raises a question... had he been taking only testosterone within the allowable normal range, i.e say 1150 ng/dl .... would he still get busted?... is there test for synthetic testosterone or are they just taking your testosterone levels into account?

doubtful he was busted for 'elevated testosterone levels' . heck, Tbol shuts your natural testosterone down. he tested positive specifically for a banned substance (in this case "dehydrochlormethyltestosterone" , i.e., Tbol), again nothing to do with his testosterone levels (I would not think).

This raises a question... had he been taking only testosterone within the allowable normal range, i.e say 1150 ng/dl .... would he still get busted?

why would anyone take such a low dose of exogenous testosterone , and chance getting busted, just to put your blood levels in the normal range (and F up your own natural production in the process). there would be zero performance advantage to doing this ,, unless you were hypogonadal to begin with (and would therefore be under Dr supervised trt)
doubtful he was busted for 'elevated testosterone levels' . heck, Tbol shuts your natural testosterone down. he tested positive specifically for a banned substance (in this case "dehydrochlormethyltestosterone" , i.e., Tbol), again nothing to do with his testosterone levels (I would not think).

why would anyone take such a low dose of exogenous testosterone , and chance getting busted, just to put your blood levels in the normal range (and F up your own natural production in the process). there would be zero performance advantage to doing this ,, unless you were hypogonadal to begin with (and would therefore be under Dr supervised trt)

- if your a pro athlete raising your T levels 10 to 20 % while still in the normal range, you have an advantage, and that advantage can translate in to big $$... so even a TRT level would be worth it, especially if you never piss hot for it.
It doesn't raise test levels, they test for metabolites of banned substances. TRT can also get you banned as your test:epitest ratio will be off.

Honestly though, they need to just call this horseshit what it is. Gatorade, supplement companies, clothing companies, and many other little interested parties that use sports as a marketing tool DON'T want folks to know that these guys see REAL results from substances Joe Average can't go buy from them.

It's a business, plain and simple. The stupid thing that irks me the most about this is that people will ALWAYS do what it takes to win; yet society has placed such a negative stigma on PED use as they want the masses to really think if they work hard and buy shit products - they have an actual chance in hell of making it.

Yeah, this stuff bugs me big time as I remember when AAS was LEGAL, but fuck tard lobbyists bribed their way into changing laws to "protect the children".

My .02c :mad:
- if your a pro athlete raising your T levels 10 to 20 % while still in the normal range, you have an advantage, and that advantage can translate in to big $$... so even a TRT level would be worth it, especially if you never piss hot for it.

bullshit .. that's why natural testosterone boosters are crap ,, sure they may raise your test levels (heck maybe even by 20%), but SO WHAT . there is no evidence that a raise in testosterone by 20% gives any advantage or aides any more in anabolism, performance, or muscle building; because anabolism in regards to testosterone increase is NOT LINEAR , meaning that as test levels go up so equally does anabolism (this just does not happen).
you have to get to super-physiological levels to increase anabolism ,, so simply increasing percentage points does nothing, and therefore a 20% increase in test levels will NOT give an advantage (only something like a 1000% , ie. super physiological dose, increase would give an advantage)
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- if your a pro athlete raising your T levels 10 to 20 % while still in the normal range, you have an advantage, and that advantage can translate in to big $$... so even a TRT level would be worth it, especially if you never piss hot for it.

you think a pro who has say for example a natural test level of 800 ng/dl, would ruin that natural test level and shut himself down running exogenous test (and risk never recovering) so that he could get to a level of 880 ng/dl , i.e., a 10% increase ? hell no !! there would be absolutely NO advantage and the athlete would actually be worse off then before.
I hate it when people sprinkle T-bol on my cheerio's. Love his excuse of having no clue.

Just like Maria Sharipova didnt want to click into the link in an email that stated which drugs had just been made illegal by the World Anti-Doping Agency.
you think a pro who has say for example a natural test level of 800 ng/dl, would ruin that natural test level and shut himself down running exogenous test (and risk never recovering) so that he could get to a level of 880 ng/dl , i.e., a 10% increase ? hell no !! there would be absolutely NO advantage and the athlete would actually be worse off then before.

In his book "the secret race" Tyler Hamilton admitted to micro dosing testosterone.

He also said he was shut down/suffering from hypogonadism after his cycling career was over.
In his book "the secret race" Tyler Hamilton admitted to micro dosing testosterone.

He also said he was shut down/suffering from hypogonadism after his cycling career was over

he screwed himself up for no good reason. He had NO performance advantage by micro dosing test. Placebo effect 'advantage' possibly , by mentally thinking he would get an advantage with a slight increase in testosterone maybe he performed better. But there is no evidence or study out there (that I'm aware of) that shows that small increases in testosterone = increase in anabolism or performance.*

* of course, there is plenty of evidence out there that suggest a large super physiological increase in testosterone does increase anabolism and performance .. but at I stated before, testosterone increase and anabolism is NOT linear, meaning that as testosterone goes up anabolism does not go up or is it effected at all equally along with the increase of test. **

** here is an example -
lets say you have a small boat in an empty swimming pool. Well simply adding a bucket of water to the swimming pool is not going to increase the boats ability to float or get it to float. Keep adding bucket after bucket of water and it is still not going to float. . . only when you add a 'super dose' of water (i.e, 5000 buckets at one time) does the boat respond and is able to float.
the boats ability to float is not 'linear' along the lines with an increase in the buckets of water (meaning the more buckets you add does NOT = the more the boat floats) ,, it takes a certain amount before it actually responds in the first place
you think a pro who has say for example a natural test level of 800 ng/dl, would ruin that natural test level and shut himself down running exogenous test (and risk never recovering) so that he could get to a level of 880 ng/dl , i.e., a 10% increase ? hell no !! there would be absolutely NO advantage and the athlete would actually be worse off then before.

yup i do.. for example... if your 1 of 8 100m olympic finalist, the difference between 8th and 1st place is less than a 10% difference in performance... and millions of dollars in difference in terms of income... so yah, id shoot that dart without thinking twice if it means im making 10s of millions of dollars.
yup i do.. for example... if your 1 of 8 100m olympic finalist, the difference between 8th and 1st place is less than a 10% difference in performance... and millions of dollars in difference in terms of income... so yah, id shoot that dart without thinking twice if it means im making 10s of millions of dollars.

yeah but, a 10% increase in testosterone does NOT EQUAL a 10% increase in performance .. so you would "shoot the dart" for nothing and no advantage what-so-ever
For you to claim that a professional cyclist could not get an advantage (remember he probably wasn't looking for real anabolism anyway) by boosting his testosterone whatever amount doesn't satisfy you is pure speculation on your part. I tend to think that the professional cyclist has a better idea of what benefits he might or might not get from supplementation than some wannabe armchair endocrinologist.
For you to claim that a professional cyclist could not get an advantage (remember he probably wasn't looking for real anabolism anyway) by boosting his testosterone whatever amount doesn't satisfy you is pure speculation on your part. I tend to think that the professional cyclist has a better idea of what benefits he might or might not get from supplementation than some wannabe armchair endocrinologist.

I'm open to reading any evidence that you can provide that shows that an increase of say 10% in natty test levels from 500 ng/dl to 550 ng/dl will provide an athletic performance advantage.

note: remember athletes will do pretty much anything if they think it will help them win .. they will swallow their own cum before a competition if they think it will give them an advantage (even if there is no scientific evidence that works) . so I think your dead wrong that a 'pro cyclist' knows better just because he is a 'pro cyclist'
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Sadly, I DO know a couple cyclists that are in the upper tier, and they really WOULD swallow their own man batter if their coaches told them it would work. :laugh: