Easto said:
What does your typical diet look like on this?
Training days:
PWO is a shake w/ protein and gatorade powder and a bagel
Then when i get home I have a box of cereal with 4 cups skim milk. Lately ive been doing low fat ice cream with my cereal. Really any high carb low fat junk is fair game during this time.
Within the next 7-8 hours ive been doing pasta marinara with shrimp and veggies, oatmeal with apples cooked in, a tuna melt sandwhich concoction, banana sandwiches with a little peanut butter, sweet potatos with chicken and veggies - basically anything high carb, moderate protien, low fat.
I finish the refeed with a cup of cottage cheese.
I end up with maintenence calories + 25% which comes to 3,500-3,600 calories, all consumed within 8 hours.
Off days (cardio days)
Mostly protein, a lot of whole rotiserre chickens, veggies, a few whole eggs less than 100g carbs, 30-40g fat.
I eat this in 3 meals throughout the 8 hour feeding window
Somewhere between 1200-1500 calories
This is basically the diet that Martin Berkhan, the guy interviewed in the previous link i posted, ate during his initial trial while putting IF together. He has all his info laid out in posts over at BodyRecomposition.com
Basically this allows me to skip breakfast and lunch and all the other OCD BBer meals in between, get shit done during the day without worrying about multiple feedings, and then eat everything when i get home from school/work, etc. Hunger is a non issue, and mental clarity/focus has improved greatly - which is the case with pretty much everyone who has given this a run.