Be very care full bout calling someone a scam you mightget banned

Where I live every gas station sells ephedrine, and its cheap.
E.D.I. said:
Not a scam. See attachment bought those a few months ago Caffeine/Ephedrine HCL

cool thanx guys.. ya i orderd just a bit to see it out i orderd sume kazer eph hcl . like the caffien brand u got are they any good?? the pharm typ out of stalk, maybe next time... ps. ya i know its a lower dose but im sensi to it so 8 mg 2 time day good for me

ps. thanx guys ill look at the other site to.. o and about goin to wall mart that shit got other stuff in it to i dont want .. i want pure eph not cold meds but thanx any way ill still look into it a bit more just in case im wrong
Yea the caffeine works great it says its only as strong as a cup of coffee but it overwhelms me sometimes and makes my hand feel tingly. Feel like there about to fall asleep sometimes, but the eca stack works great lost a lot of weight since ive been on it, and helps alot with my appetite. And the extra energy is great. Switching to clen soon though want to try that out aswell.
They are Scam

I ordered from them in January and still got nothing they charged my credit card with 105 USD , i surly never will get my stuff.
Do not order there and make the same mistake
what about the have a 48 bottle deal works out to less than $3 a bottle.
takes 4-6 days to the US and they guarantee delivery
EphedrineForSale.Com /is/ a scam website

This thread, and forum, shows up in a google search for Ephedrine For Sale. This thread is old, and I hate to boot it back out of the ages, but I'd like to tell of my own experience.

Initially, the site would not send the package of 25 ephedrine pills, which I paid 9.99 for. Only when I sent them a mail through their 'Contact Us' and asked why it was I paid for a product and was given nothing, did I finally receive the product in the mail a week or two later -- this being after two months of nothing.

Caffeine pills is what I was sent, in a 'professional' looking and sealed package marked as Ephedrine, as well as an ingredient list listing ephedrine. How do I know it was simply caffeine pills? They were marked as such, impressed with a specific logo from a specific brand: you can find the sources of most any pill through various websites. simply puts caffeine pills in their sealed envelopes, calling it another name.

This may be common sense for most of you, but I leave this here in this thread, just in case another person searches like I did and wants a first-hand account of how dishonest this website was for me, personally.
I too, wanted to post, I made the mistake of trying this site.
I tried to get the 9.99 sample, but it was "out of stock" so I just ponied up for the 40.00 bottle. which they sent me nothing but a tiny set of caffeine pills, and those arn't even strong ones, like 5mg of caffeine per pill.
After a 3 week shipping period, I got the bottle. With a tiny amount of pills in it, not sealed, but sealed in a silver bag, but the bottle itself was not sealed.
Now what REALLY brings me here, is I havn't done anything else weird with my card, I ordered some stuff from a site on amazon but I used Paypal for that. So i know for sure this was where my card info was stolen.
about 40 days after my purchase I get a call from the bank, "Sir did you order $899.15 from BH Photo in NY?" nope, I never heard of them, I check my bank statement and sure enough there is 1 dollar in, 1 dollar out, and another company with 1 dollar out, then a charge from BH photo in NY for 899... my card was closed by the fraud department cause this flagged. And the transaction was halted before it posted, Even after it was blocked they tried to charge 527 dollars for something else! I hope they get busted!

my advice, DO NOT GIVE YOUR CC to ANY SITE THAT CLAMS TO SHIP Ephedrine to USA. just go switch to protein shakes, go on a diet, and EXERCISE!

The drugs and stuff are like the Cake!! ITS A LIE!!!