Beastdrol? Epi-stong? D2? helladrol?

Keep training hard bro, and guys take advantage and stock up on Beast and the other phs before a ban comes and sweeps them off the market.
Day 7:Leg day


Squat-(Ass to Grass)
135x10 WU
225x8 WU
405x5 *could have gone way higher but didnt have a spot and hate smith machines*

Hack Squat-again, A2G
3 plates each sidex10 WU
4 PESx5
5 PESx5
6 PESx5

Two leg Seated Box jumps-36"

Two leg Sideways Box jumps-24"

Two Leg Standing Box jumps-36"

One leg Standing Box Jumps-24"

Box Step ups-24"
3x12 35's

At 233 ya boy still has some hops haha

Didnt do crazy weight today, concentrated more on explosiveness throughtout the legs and hips. Football is all about being explosive and have lost a little with my weight gain. I havent done an intense explosive workout like this in a pretty good while and felt like I couldve gone for days, I still want to go back and do more after being there for 2 hours earlier. I am also trying a 3-5x3-5 workout to boost my strength a little before the season. Not to mention I just love pushing up heavy ass weight. Go big or go home. Did squat and hack squat pretty heavy at the beginning of my workout and Im starting to exp. a good lil strength boost. Always gone at least parallel on sqauts but switching it up to as low as possible to get the glutes and hami's involved more. Never been a real big Hack Squat guy but been hearing it kills the quads so Im trying it. Before I could only do like 4 plates for a couple reps. My weight is the same and have a pretty good intense "focus" in the gym and could workout all day it seems like. Not sure if thats the jacked 3d or the beastdrol but where ever its coming from Im not complaining.

Upping the carbs...just goin to stuff as much down my mouth as possible...lil extra energy couldnt hurt.

Nice workout bro....your really going to like the strength that is about to hit you like a ton of bricks!
Day 8: off-not by choice

Day:9 Chest and Back--Everything Nice and real slow


Barbell Bench
135x10 WU
225x8 WU

BO Rows
135x10 WU
315x8 Drop set, 225x10

Dumbell Bench superset with Pull-ups

1xfailure wide grip
1xfailure normal
1xfailure narrow pronate
1xfailure narrow sup.

Narrow grip Two handed Hammer Strength Row
2 Plates each sidex10
3 PESx10
4 PESx10

One handed HS Row
5 PESx5
5 PESx5
5 PESx5

Dumbell Fly Tri-set with Narrow dumbell bench and Push ups

Narrow DB bench

Push ups

Barbell Shrugs superset with DB shrugs

DB Shrugs

Took it back down to 30mgs ED. Suprised, again, to have gained weight, slept kind of late and only got one meal in before the gym and still gained 2 lbs some how. Still seeing slight strength gains. Things are goin great. Pretty intense workout. Also, still feel like I could go all day everyday I train...loving it...Ready for the next leg day...
Day 8: off-not by choice

Day:9 Chest and Back--Everything Nice and real slow


Barbell Bench
135x10 WU
225x8 WU

BO Rows
135x10 WU
315x8 Drop set, 225x10

Dumbell Bench superset with Pull-ups

1xfailure wide grip
1xfailure normal
1xfailure narrow pronate
1xfailure narrow sup.

Narrow grip Two handed Hammer Strength Row
2 Plates each sidex10
3 PESx10
4 PESx10

One handed HS Row
5 PESx5
5 PESx5
5 PESx5

Dumbell Fly Tri-set with Narrow dumbell bench and Push ups

Narrow DB bench

Push ups

Barbell Shrugs superset with DB shrugs

DB Shrugs

Took it back down to 30mgs ED. Suprised, again, to have gained weight, slept kind of late and only got one meal in before the gym and still gained 2 lbs some how. Still seeing slight strength gains. Things are goin great. Pretty intense workout. Also, still feel like I could go all day everyday I train...loving it...Ready for the next leg day...

Nice workout bro.
def a big guy. just a heads up, if power is your goal, as is it should be with footblal players, going heavy will actually make you less powerful, and power = explosivness.

have you looked into doing any jump squats in your routine.

too bad you couldn't also do bench throws.
def a big guy. just a heads up, if power is your goal, as is it should be with footblal players, going heavy will actually make you less powerful, and power = explosivness.

have you looked into doing any jump squats in your routine.

too bad you couldn't also do bench throws.

I do squat jumps, box jumps, one and two legged jumps, etc. Do a whole bunch of em to work on explosiveness, I do explosive pushups too. I rotate on the days, some days I go heavy and the others explosive, on every lift, squats, bench, etc... Not so sure about your claim that going heavy makes you less powerful...would have to argue for the opposite on that one my friend. As long as you lift heavy weight you are getting more powerful, especially if you also do explosive motions as I do. You have to lift heavy weights with explosive motions to become more powerful. Squat jumps alone wont make you explosive. Where'd you get that from?
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from many many papers on power out put. I'm an exercise science major.

there are numerous studies showing this, if you'd like to read some of the papers, let me know, i'll emial my instructor and get him to send it to me.

here's just one quick study i've read:

last sentance in the aritcle:

"Following this type of a session, maximal power output and muscle activation with a light and especially with a heavy load are reduced."

the study shows to achieve maximal power output, one should life with a moderate load.

sports like olympic lifting, these are power sports, and actual "power" lifting isn't based on any powerfulness at all, but more so strength lifting. no judgment is placed on how quickly, or explosively you can move the weight off you, which would be "power output".

also, maximal power out put from the data i've read on jump squats, is achieved while jump squating with 30-50 % of your 1 rm.

going 80 % of 1-rm, or using nothing at all was not optimal, and the heavier you go has been shown to make you less explosive, and slow you down.

if your goal is to be more powerful, ie explosive, ask yourself, you do want to have the explosiveness of an olympic lifter, or the strength of a power lifter.

cause at the crack of the hike, the person who will have the edge will be the person who is more powerful, than the person who is stronger.
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will do. haha stomachs not empty by any means, i gota have my food and workout...or i get pissed off
If I don't eat every 2 hours, I turn into a crazy lunatic, and every little thing bothers me. I really feel like breaking things...
Anyway, I am just finishing up a Helladrol cycle, and I have gained 16lbs since the 1st of July, it is now the 30th....I will be rolling with the Beast next.....Probably not for another 30 or more days though.....

ANYWAY, keep us informed with your progress.
If I don't eat every 2 hours, I turn into a crazy lunatic, and every little thing bothers me. I really feel like breaking things...
Anyway, I am just finishing up a Helladrol cycle, and I have gained 16lbs since the 1st of July, it is now the 30th....I will be rolling with the Beast next.....Probably not for another 30 or more days though.....

ANYWAY, keep us informed with your progress.

what was the dosing on that helladrol?
I have now been running dieselbolan for 2 weeks and havnt put on any weight. strength has gone up a bit but I'm not seeing any size. I have been poppin 4 caps a day and eating 4000 cal's. I just got a bottle of beastdrol and am thinking of running for weeks 4-8.

What is your guy's opinion on this?
My bench press has gone up a lot but at the same time I think I got slight bicep tendonitis. Not sure about bf%, hopefully I can check it next week.
How would it benefit to run a stack of diesel and beast? I read it won't do anything more benefitial than just running one compound, but also hear others say that it works great?