Beastdrol? Epi-stong? D2? helladrol?

5th day today...loaded with 40mg a day and might take it back down to 30mg a day for 5 on 2 off...just to give my liver a little break. This better than ED? Have cleaned my diet way up and eating pretty lean. Not calorie counting because I do play ball and will drop weight with that. Just eating as much as I can and as lean as I can. Every 2-3 hours, killing chicken and lean beef/steak. Have never really tried a clean diet because Im a hard gainer and was always trying to get bigger. Now that im at a comfortable weight, for now, and looking to trim down, be more athletic/faster for ball.

Not exactly sure about BF- ~13-15%

Day 5:

Jacked 3d
Double St. Fish oil
Glucosamine and Chondroitin
(All everyday)

Ive always been skeptical about products especially "OTC AAS" or PH' i decided to give this a try after a couple friends referred it. So far, I havent noticed much until today. I trained chest/back and felt a crazy pump in my entire upper body. I have also never taken Jacked 3d so not sure if this is the culprit but the pumps havent been this intense until today and I have been taking it for a bout 2 wks. I am much leaner already but am gaining some lean muscle, which again I was very skeptical about. Havent experienced the strength gains yet but it has only been 5 days, nothing makes miracles happen. Over the weekend I went out of town, didnt eat right, drank, and my waist/stomach got much leaner. My GF, who never says anything and is with me everyday even said I was much leaner. Hearing this was good but I knew coming back into the gym to would surely be 2-3 lbs lighter and was very suprised to have gained 3-4. Will keep all posted and put pictures up soon, have to find the cord to my damn camera. Train hard fellas.
I would bring it back to 30mg/ED and take it everyday. I've heard of people running it 5 on 2 off regimen but I've always used it everyday.

Your going to love this cycle bro!
I would bring it back to 30mg/ED and take it everyday. I've heard of people running it 5 on 2 off regimen but I've always used it everyday.

Your going to love this cycle bro!

Even at 233, 30mg ED would be the way to dose Beast in my eyes.

20mg is my sweet spot, hangin just under 200 here.

I agree, lovin this cycle.
Sounds good fellas, thats what ill do...apprec it. I want to keep this liver for a while haha. When did yall see strength gains, if any?
Definitely should see quick gains while on Beast, there is a reason why people tend to run it only for 3 weeks instead of 4....
I have been reading about guys stacking beast and diesel with katandrol, but I can't find much info about katandrol. Is it not available anymore?
i have been on beast for 2 weeks now and i have def gained some size and im def feeling stronger. I felt a difference pretty much right away.
i have been on beast for 2 weeks now and i have def gained some size and im def feeling stronger. I felt a difference pretty much right away.

yeah within the first week on Beastdrol, you feel something.

by day 10, your like Fuck yeah!

I cant imagine running Beast, Katana and Dbol.

Day 6: off

mmmm, not getting the strength part yet...maybe cus im trying to eatn better/leaner and downed my cal's a bit. Im trying to lose some fat so I can be faster/more athletic for ball..actually ive gotten a little weaker...should i boost them back up?

I did do cardio for one of the first times in a while and felt like cake...could've stayed on treadmill all day but had to eat! Im no marathon runner by any means at 233+ but i ran a n 8 min mile without breathin hard and barely sweatin...

we'll see what tomorrow brings. lets get it
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Day 6: off

mmmm, not getting the strength part yet...maybe cus im trying to eatn better/leaner and downed my cal's a bit. Im trying to lose some fat so I can be faster/more athletic for ball..actually ive gotten a little weaker...should i boost them back up?

I did do cardio for one of the first times in a while and felt like cake...could've stayed on treadmill all day but had to eat! Im no marathon runner by any means at 233+ but i ran a n 8 min mile without breathin hard and barely sweatin...

we'll see what tomorrow brings. lets get it
up the carbs. and dont lower your caloric intake, keep it the same, or higher, just change the food you are eating.

your a big guy, gotta keep those kcals high. cant build muscle on an empty stomach.

muscle + training + food=strength

i know, was doing it more so for my legs, to get them used to runnin again...wasnt doin it for the cardio, dont know any game where im gonna run for miles hahaha. not at LB
up the carbs. and dont lower your caloric intake, keep it the same, or higher, just change the food you are eating.

your a big guy, gotta keep those kcals high. cant build muscle on an empty stomach.

muscle + training + food=strength

will do. haha stomachs not empty by any means, i gota have my food and workout...or i get pissed off
I have been reading about guys stacking beast and diesel with katandrol, but I can't find much info about katandrol. Is it not available anymore?

Yes one of the main compounds in that product got banned jan 1 of this year. The compounds in beastdrol,helladrol are the next two to get banned this year. Trust me its going to happen. I been saying it for a wile now just like I was saying it about 4-9 estra and people kept saying " ya right your just trying to make more money" HA HA the jokes on them now lolol..

I was write when i said the other compounds where on the desk of congress to get banned. I will be write again. MARK MY WORDS...BEASTDROL AND HELLADROL WILL BE BANNED BEFORE 2011!!!!!!!!
Well I guess I better stack up then. I read somewhere that you are coming out with a new version of katandrol?
up the carbs. and dont lower your caloric intake, keep it the same, or higher, just change the food you are eating.

your a big guy, gotta keep those kcals high. cant build muscle on an empty stomach.

muscle + training + food=strength

Yep, Beastdrol loves carbs!
Day 7:Leg day


Squat-(Ass to Grass)
135x10 WU
225x8 WU
405x5 *could have gone way higher but didnt have a spot and hate smith machines*

Hack Squat-again, A2G
3 plates each sidex10 WU
4 PESx5
5 PESx5
6 PESx5

Two leg Seated Box jumps-36"

Two leg Sideways Box jumps-24"

Two Leg Standing Box jumps-36"

One leg Standing Box Jumps-24"

Box Step ups-24"
3x12 35's

At 233 ya boy still has some hops haha

Didnt do crazy weight today, concentrated more on explosiveness throughtout the legs and hips. Football is all about being explosive and have lost a little with my weight gain. I havent done an intense explosive workout like this in a pretty good while and felt like I couldve gone for days, I still want to go back and do more after being there for 2 hours earlier. I am also trying a 3-5x3-5 workout to boost my strength a little before the season. Not to mention I just love pushing up heavy ass weight. Go big or go home. Did squat and hack squat pretty heavy at the beginning of my workout and Im starting to exp. a good lil strength boost. Always gone at least parallel on sqauts but switching it up to as low as possible to get the glutes and hami's involved more. Never been a real big Hack Squat guy but been hearing it kills the quads so Im trying it. Before I could only do like 4 plates for a couple reps. My weight is the same and have a pretty good intense "focus" in the gym and could workout all day it seems like. Not sure if thats the jacked 3d or the beastdrol but where ever its coming from Im not complaining.

Upping the carbs...just goin to stuff as much down my mouth as possible...lil extra energy couldnt hurt.
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