Beastdrol? Epi-stong? D2? helladrol?

i am still in awe that you got nothing from dbol v2.

drop that shit and run beast at 30mg ED for 28 days.

eat right and pct hard.
I'm gonna start taking Beast 3 caps/day starting tomrrow. I have an unopened bottle of Diesel still. How would it to take 2caps/ day of Diesel with the Beast?
I'm gonna start taking Beast 3 caps/day starting tomrrow. I have an unopened bottle of Diesel still. How would it to take 2caps/ day of Diesel with the Beast?

DONT runn all them. run one or the other.
also an oral for 6 weeks is no biggie peeps keep saying bestdrol 3-4 weeks max. wich i think is bull.
dbol for 8 weeks at 50mg ed had minimal impacts on liver values.
same with tbol.
aslong as you get blood work and dont have liver issues already i would not worry about 6 weeks with beasdrol.
but i WOULD NOT stack both orals. run one or the other and keep it under 6 ish weeks.

i woudl rec testE 500mg ew week1-12 with besdrol wk1-4 as a kick start.

I dont like oral only cycles wether its a pro-H or AAS.
almost worthless to me. just my op.

and to run orals oten is more unsafe then just pinning.
i onyl run an oral 2-3 times a year but usually 6-8 weeks long at start of a cycle of AAS.

i find this more worthwhile then a bunch of 3-4 week oral cycles every year.

I also rec milkthistle or forged liver support post oral use just to help out the liver a bit.

also keep water intake high.
I'm gonna start taking Beast 3 caps/day starting tomrrow. I have an unopened bottle of Diesel still. How would it to take 2caps/ day of Diesel with the Beast?

also 2 caps of beast coudl verry well be enuff.
i would run a slightly lover dose and run it a bit longer. like insted of 3-4 caps for 3 weeks i woudl rec 2 caps ed for 5-6 weeks.
but i still dotn liek oral only . but steady gaines i find are easer to keep.
also look at HCGenerate for PCT to help out.
also 2 caps of beast coudl verry well be enuff.
i would run a slightly lover dose and run it a bit longer. like insted of 3-4 caps for 3 weeks i woudl rec 2 caps ed for 5-6 weeks.
but i still dotn liek oral only . but steady gaines i find are easer to keep.
also look at HCGenerate for post cycle therapy (pct) to help out.

I was just pinning test @750mg for 10 weeks and stopped because I think it was underdosed or fake. I have tried Diesel for 3 weeks @ 4caps now and still not gaining weight. That's why I'm thinking of stepping it up with beast and diesel. Maybe genetics just are not on my side.

I have liver support and post cycle therapy (pct), nolva, clomid and everything.
apologies in hijacking this thread, no offence but i have been reading on this thread and have a qns, what is beastdrol? is it AAS or Pro-H? i look into the label but don't understand what is it categorized under..

i am about to start a sustanon 8 wk cycle, can i kick start with this beastdrol?

any seniors here able to advice? pardon me for my inadequate knowledge..
apologies in hijacking this thread, no offence but i have been reading on this thread and have a qns, what is beastdrol? is it AAS or Pro-H? i look into the label but don't understand what is it categorized under..

i am about to start a sustanon 8 wk cycle, can i kick start with this beastdrol?

any seniors here able to advice? pardon me for my inadequate knowledge..
Beastdrol is a POTENT PH....

I'm not sure about kick starting a cycle with a PH but some seniors or bros around here might know...
tks jamie for the info.. so its a PH... from the things bros here have mentioned, it seems comparable to dbol..

now am pondering if this stacks with sustanon.. also read in another thread, the designer came up with a promising otc pct.. all the studies backing it up looks really prmoising.. i might juz drop clomid for this Forma-stano thingy..
tks jamie for the info.. so its a PH... from the things bros here have mentioned, it seems comparable to dbol..

now am pondering if this stacks with sustanon.. also read in another thread, the designer came up with a promising otc pct.. all the studies backing it up looks really prmoising.. i might juz drop clomid for this Forma-stano thingy..

OTC PCT is not suitable for this PH, you're going to need the real deal Nolvadex/Clomid
apologies in hijacking this thread, no offence but i have been reading on this thread and have a qns, what is beastdrol? is it AAS or Pro-H? i look into the label but don't understand what is it categorized under..

i am about to start a sustanon 8 wk cycle, can i kick start with this beastdrol?

any seniors here able to advice? pardon me for my inadequate knowledge..

beastdrol is similar to d-bol, most on here will say better and yes you can kickstart your cycle with beastrol for the first 4 weeks but i would up the sustanon to a 10 week cycle imo.

week1-4:beastdrol + sustanon
week5-10: just sustanon
post cycle therapy (pct): nolva at 40/40/20/20 or clomid at 100/100/50/50

OTC post cycle therapy (pct) is not suitable for this PH, you're going to need the real deal Nolvadex/Clomid

agreed, the only time i think otc is slightly suitible would be if you're a beginner and running a 4 week h-drol only cycle
Beastdrol is a very potent steroid.

Post cycle therapy should be all inclusive.

Liver, Kidney, Heart, HPTA and Lipids.

A low dosed RC and OTC protocol is my recommendation.

21-28 day average cycle, 20-30mg ED dosages, typical weight gain 5-20 pounds depending on diet.

Again, post cycle therapy (pct) should be taken seriously. Dont skimp here.
thanks all seniors for the advice.. great info..

bfass, thanks for clarifying the nolva portion..

now gonna check if i can get beastdrol.. dun think it will pass cutoms though.. but well try anyway..
thanks all seniors for the advice.. great info..

bfass, thanks for clarifying the nolva portion..

now gonna check if i can get beastdrol.. dun think it will pass cutoms though.. but well try anyway..

Novla is no good for post cycle after a heavy methylated ph, opt for Toremifene instead.
Novla is no good for post cycle after a heavy methylated ph, opt for Toremifene instead.

Why do you say this? just curious...i mean i've only used nolva once actually and tend to lean towards clomid always. I've heard in high dosages that nolva can be hepatoxic...i'm assuming this is what you were getting at?
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Why do you say this? just curious...i mean i've only used nolva once actually and tend to lean towards clomid always. I've heard in high dosages that nolva can be hepatoxic...i'm assuming this is what you were getting at?

Yeah that and the fact that novla has a metabolite that is a cancerogen, not really ideal for a post cycle enviornment...:thumbsdow
I have used Nolva for all my cycles at 40/40/20/20..but i think im switching to clomid. Ive usally retained 90% -95% of my gains wit ha nolva only pct..but my limbido often crashes pretty hard.
clomid i think is better for test recovery? but Ive read it has more sides and can possible let gyno develop(which i had syptoms for once, fixed by nolva, and why I have been a Nolva fan in the past)
many of the people in the forums for real gear seem to like Nolva better.
but most in the PH forum seem to like Clomid better
so i think i try clomid next time
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Clomid and Hcgerate will be my next PCt.
by why do some of you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well? is it really necesary?
and friend of mine takes letro to prevent bloat during his Dbol/test cycles.
but why for PCT?

if you do take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with a prhormone, when do you take it? do you start it the same day as you start the clomid? or take it during the PH cycle? and which is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) of preference? Anastrozle, letro, or Exemastane?
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Clomid and Hcgerate will be my next PCt.
by why do some of you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) as well? is it really necesary?
and friend of mine takes letro to prevent bloat during his Dbol/test cycles.
but why for PCT?

if you do take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with a prhormone, when do you take it? do you start it the same day as you start the clomid? or take it during the PH cycle? and which is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) of preference? Anastrozle, letro, or Exemastane?

Your not taking a Prohormone first of all.

Your taking an active steroid. Please understand this.

Secondly, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is usually used for test cycles. Most designer steroids usually dont aromatize.

Gyno can manifest from a number of ways depending on the compound.

Bloat normally happens due to poor diet and lack of hydration. Sometimes users are prone to it, again depending on the compound.

For me, on test based cycles, I prefer adex or exemestane.