I'm very familiar with what you are experiencing. Not first-hand, but I have done a great deal of research on deca dick.
Let me preface this by saying Deca dick is linked with high prolactin, common in 19-nor steroids.
First, your mistake of not using nolva/clomid definitely fucked your body. Deca is a LONG ester. In fact, the metabolites from Nandrolone Decanoate can stay in your body for up to nineteen months! This is typically why I don't recommend people to use Deca if they plan to cycle - it's much better for someone who is blasting and cruising because Deca will lower your natural test for quite a while even after you PCT.
Next, I question your lack of bloodwork.
High estrogen manifests itself in more than a few ways. Besides the obvious like itchy nips, water retention, acne, etc. it can also result in a spike in prolactin. When using 19-nor steroids such as Deca or Tren, prolactin is already going to be an issue. And it's proven that high prolactin will result in impotence/low libido etc.
You should have had caber/prami on hand since day one. You should have gotten bloodwork about 6 weeks in and taken the caber if your prolactin was high. To top it all off, you decided to come off without a PCT which left all these long-acting esters in your body. Also why the hell weren't you making any gains? Learn to eat, fuck.
Don't even get me started on the possibility that you might have accidentally injected Sub-Q. You are aware of how fat absorbs oils waaaay slower, right? If a bit of deca leaked sub-q then you'd be fucked for a long time. Another reason why Deca should be reserved for B&Cers.
I've done a lot of reading on different forums and anyone who cycles and uses deca will always have their Test fucked even if they PCT properly.
I only read the original post, but this is why BLOODWORK IS SO VITAL. DON'T BE CHEAP - GET BLOODWORK! Thanks![]()
What are you talking about? A monkey can read Shakespeare, he just can't understand it. I think there is a bit of that going on in your post.