Been on TRT for two months, starting to develop gyno. Advice?


New member
Hey Guys,

I was diagnosed with a score of 235 and placed on a meager 1ml/200mg every other week by my physician. After one month and a retest my levels hadn't budged, so I went to a clinic known to treat to raise numbers to the higher range (My Doc was shooting to get me at 500, new guy said 800-1000) he placed me on a blend of test and at 1ml per week/200mg.

I noticed a recurring gyno problem being to occur after the second injection. I get a small pea sized lump under my left nipple that is very painful. This was caused by a PH cycle ages ago that I took with no idea of what I was doing. I have made it go away with mail order tamoxifen at 20mg every day, usually for a month. Once the symptoms began I started back on some tamoxifen at 20mg every day. After one week the symptoms are still present, but it's taken a month in the past, but I also wasn't continuing the use of testosterone.

My question is a simple one. Should I have been prescribed a drug to keep the sides like gyno at bay? Or is this just a hazard of use? I'm supposed to have my blood work done again this week and I'd like to hear from some folks as to what I should ask for.

I'm also curious. I'm guessing this is going to completely shut down my own test production? Am I supposed to use this 24/7/365 days a year? I know most bodybuilders go on cycles, but this seems like a different situation. Should I be seeking a different protocol, or stack.

Any advice would be appreciated. I tried to find a post with a similar topic, but couldn't. So forgive me if I missed it.


Yes, a well informed TRT doctor would have prescribed you an Aromatase INhibitor (adex, aromasin, letro etc.) They bind to and disable to Aromatase Enzyme which is responsible for converting Testosterone --> Estrodial. High Estrodial (e2) is what's causing your gyno.

You stay on the Tamox until you get an AI. Either make your doc prescribe one or order it from RUI (see the banner at the top.) Get blood work to ensure you don't crash your e2 levels.. you want it in the healthy range. Once e2 is safely in range you can drop the Tamox without further issues, although if you have existing gyno still and your lucky staying on Tamox may well reverse it. Older gyno is harder to reverse.
Hey Guys,

I was diagnosed with a score of 235 and placed on a meager 1ml/200mg every other week by my physician. After one month and a retest my levels hadn't budged, so I went to a clinic known to treat to raise numbers to the higher range (My Doc was shooting to get me at 500, new guy said 800-1000) he placed me on a blend of test and at 1ml per week/200mg.

I noticed a recurring gyno problem being to occur after the second injection. I get a small pea sized lump under my left nipple that is very painful. This was caused by a PH cycle ages ago that I took with no idea of what I was doing. I have made it go away with mail order tamoxifen at 20mg every day, usually for a month. Once the symptoms began I started back on some tamoxifen at 20mg every day. After one week the symptoms are still present, but it's taken a month in the past, but I also wasn't continuing the use of testosterone.

My question is a simple one. Should I have been prescribed a drug to keep the sides like gyno at bay? Or is this just a hazard of use? I'm supposed to have my blood work done again this week and I'd like to hear from some folks as to what I should ask for.

I'm also curious. I'm guessing this is going to completely shut down my own test production? Am I supposed to use this 24/7/365 days a year? I know most bodybuilders go on cycles, but this seems like a different situation. Should I be seeking a different protocol, or stack.

Any advice would be appreciated. I tried to find a post with a similar topic, but couldn't. So forgive me if I missed it.



Agree with Prince - also I'm guessing you have a higher % of body fat (i.e. you are not a lean guy) Testosterone amortizes to estrogen in fat, hence your gyno. The more fat in the body the higher your estrogen will be.
TRT is for life. Your HPTA doesn't work so there is no coming off. If you stopped you would just return. to your previous hypogonadal state.

You need to check your estradiol to see if it is too high. If too high, you need to lower your Test dose, change your pinning frequency and/or use and AI.

Read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky found at the top of this forum for more info on TRT. Sounds like you have a lot of home work to do.
I go to low T center. Imo he bumped u up too quick. My dr only bumps me 20mg at a time. Too much of a jump can cause too much free test that converts to estrogen. If u had previous issues of Gyno , that should have been ask by dr.
I do need to lose weight. I'm probably around 30% BF at 6'2 and 245. I have tried dieting since going on TRT but I can't drop any weight. It's been frustrating because I thought the test would actually help that. Before test I could drop and have dropped around thirty pounds in as little as three months, but it doesn't seem like anything works now. I've tried low carb, 16 hour fasts thus far. Those used to produce great results for me.
Thanks for the great advice. I'm going to get things checked tomorrow and I know he mentioned keeping a watch on the e2, but I'm not sure why he didn't give me a script for an Aromatase to begin with. These guys prefer the pellet method, and he's trying to get me on board with it, but it's not affordable at the moment and I don't know much about the pellets.

The gyno has always reveresed in the past after about a month, but I've never been on steroids either, so maybe it's worse. Again, thank you for taking the time.
TRT is for life. Your HPTA doesn't work so there is no coming off. If you stopped you would just return. to your previous hypogonadal state.

You need to check your estradiol to see if it is too high. If too high, you need to lower your Test dose, change your pinning frequency and/or use and AI.

Read the Basic TRT Overview Sticky found at the top of this forum for more info on TRT. Sounds like you have a lot of home work to do.

I'll be sure and do that. Thanks for the suggestion!
Be careful man! I lived with a Nolvadex resistant gyno mass for years... finally had it removed. Lump is gone but my nips are still insanely sensitive and have been for years (before and during TRT) - even if I knock my E to virtually zero.

I'd drop doses immediately until you get a handle on things.
Be careful man! I lived with a Nolvadex resistant gyno mass for years... finally had it removed. Lump is gone but my nips are still insanely sensitive and have been for years (before and during TRT) - even if I knock my E to virtually zero.

I'd drop doses immediately until you get a handle on things.

Yeah, I'm definitely worried. I took my last pin last night, so I'm going to get my blood work done tomorrow to see what's going on. I'm very curious to see how much my test has increased with the addition of weekly pinning as opposed to every other week.

Is there any AI that works better than the other? This may sound corny, but I've noticed my sperm count/volume drop a lot since doing this. I used to be pretty productive in that area and miss the big "Finish". Any AI that might help that more than the other? Hope that's not too off topic.
Yeah, I'm definitely worried. I took my last pin last night, so I'm going to get my blood work done tomorrow to see what's going on. I'm very curious to see how much my test has increased with the addition of weekly pinning as opposed to every other week.

Is there any AI that works better than the other? This may sound corny, but I've noticed my sperm count/volume drop a lot since doing this. I used to be pretty productive in that area and miss the big "Finish". Any AI that might help that more than the other? Hope that's not too off topic.

Add hCG to your TRT protocol. 250 iu twice per week. It will stop your testes shrinking too.

Otherwise, you could go with Lecithen @ 1200mg daily if volume is all your care about. hCG has many other benefits though.

As far as AI's go, the most commonly used are: Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Exemestane (Aromasin.)
Add hCG to your TRT protocol. 250 iu twice per week. It will stop your testes shrinking too.

Otherwise, you could go with Lecithen @ 1200mg daily if volume is all your care about. hCG has many other benefits though.

As far as AI's go, the most commonly used are: Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Exemestane (Aromasin.)

So, spoke with my Doc today about coming in and addressed my concerns. He said he would prescribe HCG for me, but that it wouldn't be covered by insurance. Using a discount drug app I think I've found it for 101.86 for 10mil (1000 units) he said he wanted me to take tamoxifen at 20mg twice a day and that after three months he would start me on Arimidex. Is this crap advice? Should I order my own Arimidex from overseas?

Thanks for the help folks.
So, spoke with my Doc today about coming in and addressed my concerns. He said he would prescribe HCG for me, but that it wouldn't be covered by insurance. Using a discount drug app I think I've found it for 101.86 for 10mil (1000 units) he said he wanted me to take tamoxifen at 20mg twice a day and that after three months he would start me on Arimidex. Is this crap advice? Should I order my own Arimidex from overseas?

Thanks for the help folks.

Waiting to dial in the AI isn't such a bad idea - some people don't need one, but most do. As long as you're on the Tamox your gyno shouldn't get any worse, so a little elevated e2 for a short time isn't a big deal. You will want to ensure e2 is dialed in eventually though. At three months your T will have stabilized and you'll get an idea of where your e2 is going to sit. Then you can decide on an AI and dose and then retest a month later and see where it is. Then it's simply a case of adjusting the AI dose until e2 is dialed in. Keep in mind lowering e2 will raise T slightly too.

You can take the whole 40mg of Tamox once per day, it has a long enough half life. Certainly won't hurt to split it though it won't matter.

Not allowed to post prices here btw. You should probably remove that. I will say that is wildly expensive though. You should start looking around for online sources. 1000iu of hCG would last you a measly two weeks.
So, spoke with my Doc today about coming in and addressed my concerns. He said he would prescribe HCG for me, but that it wouldn't be covered by insurance. Using a discount drug app I think I've found it for 101.86 for 10mil (1000 units) he said he wanted me to take tamoxifen at 20mg twice a day and that after three months he would start me on Arimidex. Is this crap advice? Should I order my own Arimidex from overseas?

Thanks for the help folks.

100 bucks for 1,000 units? Thats really expensive.