Before & after cycle photos


old...old man
Okay, I admit I let myself get WAY out of shape. The cycle was 500mg test cypionate. I started with 600mg and then cut back to 500mg after 3 weeks. I took the test for 9 weeks and took 50mg Winstrol (winny) for the last 6 weeks of the cycle. Total cycle time was 11 weeks. I wanted to cut towards the end, but I didnt do any cardio and my diet sucked. I started at 216.5 lbs, and ended at 235. I am 5-11 in height. Bash away if you want.
You look awesome, especially considering you gained 20 lbs and it looks like your bf is the same or slightly less than before. Great job!
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no bashing necessary. i think you look great man. defininte improvement, particuarly in the chest. it looks as though you took what was close to gyno and really tightened it up and brought it up. great work!
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Thanks for the compliments guys.

I had itchy nips when I was a teen. I had developed a slight lump under one nip and puffiness under the other. It never went away. (Wish they knew about Nolvadex back then!) Anyways, its still there. Just not as easy to see when my chest is a little bigger. I guess I could get a 'man boob job', but Id rather spend the cash on beer. :D
Good work, you look even leaner then before and you have some serious size...if you wanted i guess u could lean out a bit but nothing crazy...overall nice work
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Was this your first cycle?

Comparing the before/after pictures, especially in your arms (thicker/pumped), shoulders (looking wider), and chest. Your calfs look naturally big.
I dont know if it's because the tan, your're sucking in your stomach, but your stomach looks flatter/leaner?..

Looking good man :yesway:
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Thanks guys.

No, not my first cycle by a long shot. I was purposely slouching and letting my gut hang in the before shots. I always lose some mid section fat when cycling, but this go round my diet really did suck. I wanted to cut, but thats not what happens when you eat like a pig.