before & after

1st and only

New member

I started using TEST in 2007 before that I depend on training only .

now I plan to increase my size but the thing is that I find GH is expensive :worried:
so, if someone have any ideas I'll be thankful

may be the pics not showing much sorry

I think this pics is more clear

The first 2 pics in the left dated in 2007 and with cycling also with the all ups and downs and struggling with the finance I lost weight then I gain it again . It's may be seems odd but it's not easy to build a gym from scratch and pay for supplement and cycle .

The last 3 are new
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Damn! You're pretty swolle for a chick! Not into that, but that's obviously what you want! Yea, you look good in that aspect.
Well if youre just doing test, there are heavier androgens out there that will bump your gains (and sides) even more, that are FAR cheaper than GH.

Whats your test doseage?
any sides?? any enlarging of certain body parts?? facial hair? deepening of voice?? etc??