before, afters, 18% down to 13% then 10% in 5 months

ive been on 750mg of test for almost 12 weeks now and 50mg/day Winstrol (winny) tabs for the past few weeks. i also did a 7 day dnp cycle a couple weeks ago at 400mg/day. i think i actually look bigger at 190 now at 9 or 10% bodyfat than i did at 200 at 13% bodyfat. my goal is to be under 6% bodyfat by april 1st.
freeweights495 said:
how bout this ectomorph, you put some pics of your legs up right now on my post and ill post mine and we will see whos look better. im not a cocky guy but you're being a dick.
My pics aren't hard to find...

And for the record, I wasn't trying to insult you. i just noticed a common theme to the pics and thought I'd tease you about it. Simmer down skillet. :afro:
freeweights495 said:
your legs aren't that great, but you are a dick. you were in contest shape in those pics and im still at 10%. gimme 2 weeks and ill post my legs. ill call you out in 2 weeks and you have to post your legs in the same post as mine and we'll ask everyone whos look better. ;)
fair enough... :rolleyes:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to freeweights495 again.
Looking quite a bit tighter, especially in the abs and around the waist. Too bad you don't have a diff pic than the back shot to compare to.
freeweights495 said:
your legs aren't that great, but you are a dick. you were in contest shape in those pics and im still at 10%. gimme 2 weeks and ill post my legs. ill call you out in 2 weeks and you have to post your legs in the same post as mine and we'll ask everyone whos look better. ;)

Holy small man syndrome. You must be very insecure judging by your defensive posts.

He made a comment judging by the fact you only posted upper body shots and your pants are halfway down your ass.

You need to chill instead of taking it like a catty bitch on PMS...did you expect to posts pics only to have everyone reply saying *OMFG YOU"RE HUGE* *OMG U ROXORSZ!*
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freeweights495 said:
your legs aren't that great, but you are a dick. you were in contest shape in those pics and im still at 10%. gimme 2 weeks and ill post my legs. ill call you out in 2 weeks and you have to post your legs in the same post as mine and we'll ask everyone whos look better. ;)

495, how bout you slow it down a notch and take an easy on are vet ecto.(fucking guy been here since 03). I think your doing fine and look okay as well!