Before and After Natural

nice progress, bro - you def packed on some mass! post your stats personally I'd wait to start a cycle till you get leaner and more muscle. Read up on it. there are plenty of sides to consider from even a simple test cycle. once you start you won't go back so make sure you know what you are getting into.

Other suggestion: looks like major growth recently - i'd make sure your diet is on spot for gains too. Even with gear, IMO it's 60% diet and 40% lifting.
shit i was 28 and 210lb or so before my first cycle... you look small and like aas have done all the old are you???? most get your size quickly with no aas just eating/lifting right...but now days is the knew american way, "if you can do it easier and faster....why not"...good luck my friend..................
shit i was 28 and 210lb or so before my first cycle... you look small and like aas have done all the old are you???? most get your size quickly with no aas just eating/lifting right...but now days is the knew american way, "if you can do it easier and faster....why not"...good luck my friend..................


iv never done any steroids before.

someone told me i should build a nice base before i even consider.
i feel iv made a decent base and ready to take the next step.

those pictures are from 6/09-2/11 serious diet and training only.
great job warren - that's some nice weight for your height! Keep it going and make the most of your natty test - at 25 you're still in the growth range!

iv never done any steroids before.

someone told me i should build a nice base before i even consider.
i feel iv made a decent base and ready to take the next step.

those pictures are from 6/09-2/11 serious diet and training only.
please accept my apology then. you have made some great gains naturally. thought they were your before and after gear pics. at 25 having built this base test e at 500mg/wk would be a good cycle. i would also run hcg 250iu 2x's/wk throughout the cycle as well as arimidex .05 ed. keep up the good work.
and don't forget to plan out proper post cycle therapy (pct). make sure you have everything u need before you start your cycle.
you'll get mixed reviews on whether you should be leaner or not. Truth is, you have to make that decision. You either get big and carry a little fat and water (which is great for strength) or you get ripped. Not that easy to do both.

Just remember, bulking doesn't mean an excuse to get fat. i don't even like that term. Lifting heavy ass weight and eating like an animal is how you get big. So choose your goals, get ALL your gear, and go for it.

nice work and good luck.

iv never done any steroids before.

someone told me i should build a nice base before i even consider.
i feel iv made a decent base and ready to take the next step.

those pictures are from 6/09-2/11 serious diet and training only.

I think youare doing just fine naturally. Push it and see how far you can get.