Before and After pics


So ive been cruising this board for over a year now and thought its time to post some pics. The before pic was me at 6'4 145lbs aprili-ish 2004. I went up to 165lb by december 2004 from proper diet and light weight training. Then in january 2005 I started lifting heavy. After pic is from a few days ago still 6'4 @ 205lb ( may 13th 2005 )

**before pic was from my birthday...nothing perverted haha...although it did pop, but not from me boinkin it**

**edit** 19 in the before pic and just turned 20 in the after pics
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take your clothes off and we'll REALLY critique you lol...but seriously, to really be able to see improvement, lose the shirt and show that definition you've worked so hard for!
Keep it up, My bro is tall like you so he has trouble putting on noticable size, Seems like every ten lbs he puts on looks like the 5 that I can.. Post some legs.. Good luck
strngthmnx said:
take your clothes off and we'll REALLY critique you lol...but seriously, to really be able to see improvement, lose the shirt and show that definition you've worked so hard for!

That means keep the pants ON. Too many guys around here forget their drawers before they take pics.
strngthmnx said:
take your clothes off and we'll REALLY critique you lol...but seriously, to really be able to see improvement, lose the shirt and show that definition you've worked so hard for!

Look at the difference! why do you want him to take his shirt off? so you can see if he's cut or not? i think he's still in the mass building stage either way, I'm sure like most men he's stiving to be bigger, SO i wouldn't be looking to 'really critique' him. :rolleyes: He's came a long way. I'm proud

Keep up the good work brother, I remember when i was that small too. :) I I love seeing these transitions. :insane2:

Im glad to see someone who's working to bulk up naturally rather than jumping straight on the roids. Good work cal. I'm 6'4 also and I can remember how excited I was to break 200. Now all you have to do is keep going.
LiftTillIDie said:
Im glad to see someone who's working to bulk up naturally rather than jumping straight on the roids. Good work cal. I'm 6'4 also and I can remember how excited I was to break 200. Now all you have to do is keep going.

Thanks bro. I did have alil help. I did testoprim-D for about a month and gave it up for various reasons including my GF finding out and denying me sex for two months. Thats no good when you got extra test running through ya and yer hard 24/7 ... I gained lil muscle but mostly water/fat weight that I lost shortly after. Wouldnt do it again.
If anybody is interested, but doubtful.

My eating routine is somethin like this:

1)carrots or mixed fruits in the morning to warm my stomache up (veeerry weak stomache) --10 am
2) breakfast...varies but usually 20g protien and 60ish carbs --- 11 AM
3) lunch - whatever i can get ahold of..burgers, chicken, small villages, rice --2 PM
4) pre-dinner - again, whatever I can get ahold of --4-5PM
5) pre-work out shake 7PM
6) another shake mid to end of my workout --8-9PM
7) dinner - usually super high in carbs --9PM
8) post dinner ... sometimes skip this --11PM
9) double decker PB&J with 1/4 gallon of milk --right before I go to bed

Sometimes if i lack in food intake on the previous day ill throw in a shake before or after lunch. I dont have a real regular diet as far as what i eat, but my timing is usually dead-on.
good stuff...l have also fixed up my diet a little and added abit mroe protein intake through out the day and it made a big diffrence gain muscle pretty quickly.
luquillo78 said:
Good job! congrats.

thanks :)

fullypaully said:
good stuff...l have also fixed up my diet a little and added abit mroe protein intake through out the day and it made a big diffrence gain muscle pretty quickly.

yeah, took me awhile to realise its not all about what you do in the gym.