my first cycle, before and after pics, cycle cut short!!


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Ok so this is my first cycle ever, i did my research for a while before taking the gear.
My cycle was as follows:

Test e 600mg per week, pins every 3.5 days for 7.5 weeks (ill explain why so short)
Dbol 40mg on training days (20mg before workout) and 30mg on off days for 4.5 weeks

My diet was around

3000-3500 cals per day
220-250g protien per day
220-230g carbs per day

I did slack a few days with my diet due to having a job wear i drive alot and was very hard to keep everything perfect.

When i got my gear i had 2 10ml vials which was the perfect amount for a 10 week cycle. I came to find out that the vials i had actually only contained about 7.5ml which really pissed me off. I ordered them and it took 1 month to recieve them so ordering more was not an option. This screwed up everything. When i first started dbol i could feel the strength gain alot and when the test finally kicked in, about 5-6 weeks in i could really feel the difference and notice the mass increase. Just sucks because i should still have 2.5 weeks left in this cycle.

I started at a weight of 210 at 20.3% bf.
I now am at 216 and 12% bf

Im happy with the gain in lm mass ive gotten and would love to see where it would have gone if i continued the rest of my cycle, nothing i can do now, but at least i know for my next cycle to have extra gear on hand for this reason. Its been 7.5 weeks and ive gain roughly 22-23 lbs of pure lean muscle. I am waiting 2 weeks and will begin my pct.

Nolva and clomid

How long until i can start another cycle and what would be a good cycle for the second time around
I want more size and to get to around 8-9 % bf.

Ive attached pics of progress: the 3 images together are standing without flexing, the other 2 are week 1 flexing and week 7.5 flexing. I worked my ass off and loved every second of it. Cant wait to get at my goal which is 230lbs 8% bf. Im 6'3" btw. 29yrs old.
Hello McKinney
Sorry to disappoint you, but you're around 16-18% bodyfat.

This is the formula you can apply before starting your cycle.
Time on +Clearing out+PCT=Time Off
7.5+2+4= 13.5
You would have to wait 13.5 weeks after PCT before you can start another cycle.
Test+One Oral or Test+deca is okay for the 2nd cycle.
However, you've aborted this cycle at the sweet spot, so it's hard to call it "the cycle"
Personally I would go 12 weeks of test-e or c only.
Good Luck with your PCT.

Thanks for the info, that bf chart is nice. I got my numbers from the trainers at 24 hour, figured they knew what they were doing, haha guess not. I also bought one of those bf measuring plier things and it say 12% too. It doesnt bum me out, i like to know where im at for real. Is there a beter way to test bf %. And yea im pretty upset that my cycle fell through like it did. I will wait the time before starting a new one, i still have the same goal and am not stopping until i get there.

So you think if i do the same cycle i did. Just 12 weeks long would be a good 2nd cycle. Ill be working on getting that bf down during my time off.
Thanks for the info, that bf chart is nice. I got my numbers from the trainers at 24 hour, figured they knew what they were doing, haha guess not. I also bought one of those bf measuring plier things and it say 12% too. It doesnt bum me out, i like to know where im at for real. Is there a beter way to test bf %. And yea im pretty upset that my cycle fell through like it did. I will wait the time before starting a new one, i still have the same goal and am not stopping until i get there.

So you think if i do the same cycle i did. Just 12 weeks long would be a good 2nd cycle. Ill be working on getting that bf down during my time off.
Your educated guess is good indicator for bf%, simple picture to picture comparison. Calipers come close, but are still off. The best and most accurate way is underwater weighing, I think.
Yes 12-14 weeks of test-e is the cycle I would do next.
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