Before I forget!


New member
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy 4th. Those of you that live in the greatest country in the world any way. Dont blow your fuckin fingers off..........
NY huh? I went to NYC for Christmas...past two years...amazing...I love NYC..I couldn't live there...I need my space, and TX as plenty o' that. But I love visiting...Tavern on the Green, the Waldorf, all stops on each of my trips there...The Tavern is amazing at Christmas time...the woman I took made take a fucking photo albums worth of pictures...I could draw a damn blue print of the place if you would ever need such a thing...HA!!!
LOL. Yeah im out on long island.Not too bad.I need the space as well.Everybody i know says im a misplaced hillbilly.....lmao.Pickup truck,quads all that good shit.Worked in nyc for 7 years.actually in the WTC.Sucked ass....Fun to visit but when you gotta go everyday it fuckin sucks.Especially in the summer the subway is fucking murder...
I went to see "The Blue Man Group" while was there over Christmas...I think it was in the village area??? Fuck I don't know...that city is so freakin big...

I went to the trade centers...damn shit made me get misty eyed...and pissed...I couldn't figure wether to cry or beat the shit of some unfortunate passer-by...
Yeah it was rough.I worked around the corner when that happened.But the hand of god i wasnt there thta day.worked late the previous day and stayed home.fucked up.scared the shit outta me.I would have been walking out of the wtc when first plane hit gettin off the E train. Freaked me out for about two months.
Hey dallas,im to 218 from 210 already.Only in my second week.Im lovin this shit..sweating like an animal when i day i fell great absolutley no soreness....It seems the more I eat the smaller my gut gets..Amazing!
Numbnutz11731 said:
Hey dallas,im to 218 from 210 already.Only in my second week.Im lovin this shit..sweating like an animal when i day i fell great absolutley no soreness....It seems the more I eat the smaller my gut gets..Amazing!

What are you taking...Sust? Funny you say the 3rd week I had put on about 10lbs...and I never got sore. That was the bast effect Sustanon (sust) has for soreness...Sust is the only test that does that for me...prop and enth I am sore as MF...