Beginers cycle - Redone

the Dragon

A Loanshark
Finally my first injection today. My cycle is planed as this:

Week 1 - 12 Testoviron (Bayer Schering) 500mg. Split on Mondays and Fridays.
Week 4 -12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu. (Oregon) Split on Mondays and Fridays.
Tamoxifen for post cycle therapy (pct) 40/40/20/20
Aromasin (RUI) on hand if needed. Will dose 12.5mg ED and adjust.

Stats: 30y, 165 lbs, 5'8", BF 16%, body frame small and lean. Blood pressure averages on 120/60. General health: Excellent

Diet: oats, yogurt, canned tuna, tuna steak, lean steak lamb, chicken, lean steak beef, brown pasta, brown rice, eggs, vegetables, berries, cottage cheese - basically clean food.

Some background: now been continuously doing weights for 18 months and been doing martial arts for the past year. I did gear on and off between 18y - 23y along with weights and martial arts.

The goal is to to build lean muscle, loose fat, gain strength, speed and more agility.

First pin was easy and smooth. No sting or pain from pin. Though I feel a bit hot and flushed in my face.
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Second pin went in today. Easy and smooth.

Training this week has been a disaster. I had I mild cold last weekend and thought I had it beaten when I did first injection last Monday but to my disappointment it rose up more fiercely. All my sinuses have been blocked to the core and my ears are buzzing. So I only trained light weights yesterday but I felt afterward worse for it.
Will rest the whole weekend. No fever or lost of appitete thought. Been eating well.

Disappointed that I am lost the ride of the placebo effect this week.

BP 114/57
Did third pin in yesterday (Tuesday). Again easy and smooth. Started feeling the effects over the weekend. Got this constant grin on my face and feel really good. Sex drive is definitely up and starting to become an bother. Strength is defo up to! Sleeping better.

Did biceps and back on Monday, chest yesterday and what a pump I got into the muscles and the weights where so easy...

Doing cardo this afternoon
Can you explain what you did on and off for FIVE years? And why you are only 165lbs?

Layout is fine, but your doing something wayyy wrong.
Can you explain what you did on and off for FIVE years? And why you are only 165lbs?

Layout is fine, but your doing something wayyy wrong.

Did Test, Deco, D-Bol. I was in great shape back then but lost it all in the end. Almost catabolic Did not know anything about PCT. Maybe I have low natty test after that misuse but don´t forgett I am only 5'8" or 177cm and slim

Did a 5K run today just under 25min, I felt I sweated more than usual.
Did 4th pin today.

No dramatic changes on effects from last post. Been working out much harder and getting a stronger pump. My body is all in all much harder then normally and I feel the frame looks generally better...must be from the extra pump.

Cravings and hunger for food is much stronger. My day revolves around thinking and preparing the next meal. No significant weight increase yet, up a kilo from all the food.

Since last post I trained triceps and shoulders yesterday and today I did legs. I normally do light cardio on Fridays but not today.

I have tracked down my diet for the last three days and I am gonna post that on 3Js Diet thread for critique.

BP 118/56
Did 5th pin yesterday, all smooth and easy.

No mayor changes from last week. Sex drive definitely up, been tapping the missus in the mornings and the evenings. Got a stronger crave and appitete for food. Skin is good, besides two zits on my temples. Probably from the extra take-away food I am eating. Up a kilo and a half since the experiment began.

Been sleeping really, really well. In the mornings when I wake up I am like some primate with droll all down my check and neck.

Did biceps and back yesterday, took the day off today as I am so tired in my arms. Feels like growth pains.

Gonna blast the chest tomorrow and then do 30min cardio.

BP 118/60
Just came from the gym after blasting my chest. Strength is defo up! My shoulders and arms are all puffed up to. Had good work out.

This morning I had a weird twitch where my lower arm (brachioradialis) meets the bicep. It went on for two hours or so, pretty strong at times it felt like I had a Charlie horse there. I ate two bananas, massaged it and it went away.
6th pin in today. Drew blood on first injection. All OK on second. Feel a bit sting from the first injection.

So far the training week as been great and on schedule, except i could not do my post work-out cardio today due to time constraints.

The appitete has been excellent and the diet superb. Been eating big bowl of porridge with honey every morning, healthy brunch, brown pasta or brown rice everyday with seafood or chicken post workout, and lean fresh meat every evening, topping it with boiled eggs and/or nuts before going to bed.

Definitely up 2 solid KG since the experiment began. Can´t wait until the test kicks in big time end of next week. Already I am so much stronger, harder, pumped and toned.

I think the mood has over all improved, I am much chattier with people, but I feel much more aggression within. Sometimes I am almost hoping someone starts acting up.

Next week I need to mix up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and start injecting it. So far no estrogen related side-effects visible or noticeable hair loss. If I would start betting hair loss would it be subtle and go if in the shower or would I experience chunks or hair dropping down?

BP 121/56
Did the 7th pin yesterday. Still not noticing any gigantic effects. This is the start of my forth week! I am hornier and I have the morning wood up until I get to work so there is definitely an increase in test. Along with increased strength and all. But I am gonna stay patient and keep my game up. I think I need to eat more too! I could n´t weight myself in at the gym this week, but I am continuing on looking better and better.

I did my personal best on bench pressing 80KG x6 reps and i think I will add another 5KG next week. So there is something going on, just a little slower than I thought. Will definitely use d-bol to kick of my next cycle.

I am gonna mix and shoot my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) tomorrow. Found good instrucions on mixing here on the site, thanx to Yathrashin. Gonna mix 5000iu into 5ml bac water.

That's it for now.

BP 114/54
So... did pin 8 and 9 on last Friday and Monday. Let's say that on Monday I can really feel it. ....said to the tune of Michael Jackson - Can You Feel It

I am up 4 KG, and probably sheed of 1 or 2 of fat. People everywhere from all corners of my life are commenting on me getting 'slimmer' (yeah, up 4 KGs :) ), looking 'healthier' to my girlfriend saying, 'Ohh my gosh, what happened'

Last week I kept to my routine, biceps + back one day, leg one day, cardio day, tricep + shoulder day, chest day.

This week I have been feeling a bit ruff from sore throat and cold again... but went to gym Monday and Tuesday and did only light stuff.

My face is getting a bit oiled and greasy and a few zits here and there but nothing mayor.

Got a bit weird can't say painfull feeling in my balls, like a set of blue balls most of the time. They feel a bit hollow but no shrinkage I think. I havn´t mixed my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but I am gonna do that now.

Also my body and specially my face is always a bit flushed, so I look like I am tanned. People are commenting and asking me about my tan, Where I've been and such....?? In the middle of English winter.

BP 133/61

All is Well!
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Did pins 10 and 11 last Friday and this Monday. I started taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with last Fridays shot, 500IU, and then 250IU with every shot from here on. Shot into sub-q and the injection stings and hurts more than in the glutes! The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is still unused.

I am up 6KG, today hit the milestone of 80KG.

My skin is getting well oily and small acne here and there are starting to prop up. I've been eating shit in between because I am always so hungry. Sometimes I got to grap a burger or a kebab on the go. Just ate a Burger King and I can´t get the foul fat taste out of my mouth or the smell of my hands. Hate it, but I sometimes grave this shit nowa days.

Mood is fine and sex drive has stabliced.

I eat 160gr of oats every morning and I love it.

My digestion is awesome, it is like my bowels suck the nutrients out of everything and all dumps are like thick strong payloads been dropped on Berlin.

Did a 5K run today in just under 25 minutes, that was my cardio day.

I am up to 82.5 in bench pressing. Can do 80 KG x5 reps easily with out any assistance.

I am gonna post these pics, and maybe one of you can help me with my chestmuscle, it is not gaining as I would like too. My chest has always been my weak point.

My normal chest routine is as follow:
bench press x3 setts total, 1x max weight, 2x 75-80% of max weight 8xreps
Incline dumbels x3 setts 10-12reps
Cross-over with cables x3sets 12xreps
Front pull togheter machine x3 sets 10-12xreps

These pics are from start of week 6 and the stuff just kicked in 2 weeks ago. Any comments or constructive criticism welcome



BP 125/70
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Well Well,
I just did pin no. 20 just now. Which means I am coming to the end of my 10th week.

Testoviron has been good to me. I have gained 18 pounds so fair in weight and all pretty lean muscle. I strongly believe I would have been able to gain 9 pounds more if I had eaten more from day one and used protein shakes. I training my self to be better prepared with food, lunch, etc. I don´t like spending shit loads of money on junk food.

Mood as been all right, beside getting more frustrated with idiots than normal but nothing I can´t keep in check. But I am more competitive, aggressive and over all more confident. Sex drive strong, but not as strong as in the beginning weeks.
No signs of gyno, thinning of hair or shrunken testicles. I use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU a week from week 6. But I must say that I get stiff and itchy nibbles only when I am working my chest.

The only con is that I have a few ugly clusters of acne around my shoulders, back and a litle but down my upper arm. I am a bit worried that this will even aggravate more when I go off. I haven´t used any Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I am not bloated or have a moon face, even though I did at a certain period. Around week 6-8.

I would highly recommend a Test only cycle for any beginner. It is a slow coming but you will see how you react and get to know your body better. D-bol and Deca can always wait a bit.

I will update more when I go nearer to my post cycle therapy (pct) and then I will focus on good and quick recovery. Three months after my last nolvadex tab I plan to do another cycle and stack with deva.

BP as been relatively low all the time. Measuring now at: 122/63

Thanks for reading
Thanks boys, yeah I eat some junk/fast food now and then. Did not in the beginning though.

I did my last pin for this cycle on Friday and just now my last HCG shot. I definitely feel I am still "on". Feel great and strong.

I have for some reason drop down to 178.5 pounds, a total of gain of 15,5 pound. Well see how it goes from here.

This itch I said was in my nipples when I did chest subsided. Not sure if gyno builds invisible in the back and I might be more prone next time or if it is just because of change in hormones.

I still have a few acne clusters on my arms and shoulders. But it is like the are going down. Maybe this was both due to some estrogen spike.

I will start Nolvadex, Creatine, Gingsen and xtra glutamin intake at the end of next week.