Beginner cycle starting in a few weeks - Your Opinion and Guidance please!!


New member
Hi All

awesome to finally have joined - been following and reading instead.

I would love your opinion on the below if possible

I am going to do my first cycle in a few weeks.
I am 34years old, 6.1", and 78kg - BF at 12%, as I am naturally lean and trying to bulk at the moment.
Been training on and off for about 12 years now, but have been consistent for the last 3 years.
I am looking at putting some quality lean muscle on. My end goal is to be around 85kg eventually (i realize this wont happen now even with the cycle)

I am Going to take Testosterone enanthate (Spartan Pharma E-350) not sure if anyone has heard of this brand or if its any good. Actually cant seem to find any info on it which is abit worrying!

Will take it for 12 weeks
I was also thinking of doing winstrol the last 4 weeks to just harden it all up? Good or Bad
I have novaldex as my PCT - Do i need clomid as well or should that be good?

Never injected before, so that should be interesting
I have got 3ml, 23g, 1.5" ? Good!

thanks again for all your help and willingness to help others
Hi All

awesome to finally have joined - been following and reading instead.

I would love your opinion on the below if possible

I am going to do my first cycle in a few weeks.
I am 34years old, 6.1", and 78kg - BF at 12%, as I am naturally lean and trying to bulk at the moment.
Been training on and off for about 12 years now, but have been consistent for the last 3 years.
I am looking at putting some quality lean muscle on. My end goal is to be around 85kg eventually (i realize this wont happen now even with the cycle)

I am Going to take Testosterone enanthate (Spartan Pharma E-350) not sure if anyone has heard of this brand or if its any good. Actually cant seem to find any info on it which is abit worrying!

Will take it for 12 weeks
I was also thinking of doing winstrol the last 4 weeks to just harden it all up? Good or Bad
I have novaldex as my PCT - Do i need clomid as well or should that be good?

Never injected before, so that should be interesting
I have got 3ml, 23g, 1.5" ? Good!

thanks again for all your help and willingness to help others

Welcome. Lots more to do homework on though.

What will test dose be per week? Pinning frequency?

Winny is bad for a first cycle. Just test is recommended.

Clomid is needed for PCT in addition to Nolva. Please specify your PCT protocol.

You are missing hCG.

You are missing an AI.

Do you have bigger guage needles for drawing the test? I like 20g personally. Some go as high at 18g.

23g is fine for injecting. I prefer 25g myself. And I find 1" is sufficient. You are lean enough that 1" would suffice.

Tell us about your diet and training please.

What are your plans for pre, mid and post cycle blood work?

Test E 350mg/ml might have some PIP to it. Brace yourself!
Go thru Me gas checklist there and you should be good. Only thing I'd add is for you to hang around while your doing the rest of your homework and find a solid source in the meantime. You can PM once u get post count up, asking questions::) (not source questions tho, k). Because surely you don't want to send your hard earned money to someone your not 100% sure about....right??? Just saying. Ask cycle questions and do more cycle research and the more time you spend in the community here you'll figure things out.
Just through in that Winstrol to harden it all up. Like a hardener compound for the epoxy ya know. No, NO, NO, This is a beginner cycle.

Just fill that 3cc syringe up with that Winny n stab your ass and it will produce that hard lean muscle mass that those guys have.

Ha, OP I'm joking in regard to the Winstrol , but there is so much you obviously don't understand and I'm not trying to be mean. It's the diet and the training that counts and the steroids just help it along better. Remember when you raise your test level by introducing exogenous Test , your Estrogen will rise and so will the sides like water retention. So with an AI and your diet you will control the water and with the added help of the gear it will help you synthesize the protein into muscle. This I put in simple terms.

So do more reading in the sticky's and others will share more info with you as you go. Good luck

OH, PS Mega has you pointed in the correct direction.
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Welcome to the forum! Be patient and learn as much as you can. I've been researching AAS for over a year now and finally ordered my gear. Still doing more reading while I wait for it to arrive, you can never know too much.
Hi Megatron

Thanks so much for your reply and advice really appreciate it.
Just wanted to reply to some of your questions

What will test dose be per week? Pinning frequency?
It seems 500mg to 600mg range is an efficient range to be in. I would like to break it up twice a week
Do you agree with that at all?

PCT: My nolva is 10mg - Nolvadex ***8211; 40/20/20/20/10
Clomid - some research says Nolvadex is just fine as a beginner, im not taking an extreme amount of test.
Thats the the reason I only got Nolva.
If I did test and winstol then both would be essential (Winstrol as you say is a no no for now)
Definitely both then?

AI - I do have some if needed
I need to do some more research on this thou as I am not sure for how long to run it.
Do you suggest running this anyway or only when needed?

Needle: No just the 23g unfortunately. As you have mentioned it is a better idea to draw with the bigger gauge for ease.
I will look into getting this - Thanks!

Test and some PIP - is there any way around this. What should I do to help?

My Diet is quite clean and Im trying to bulk at the moment
Here is my typical day -
5:45am (50g)Oats, almond milk and mix scoop of whey
Train - 6:45am
Whey shake (optimum nutrition) after gym
Breakfast: 4 egg whites + 2 yolks (Scrambled)
Cashews and Almonds (30g)
10:30am Turkey mince/sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
1:30pm chicken/sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
4:30pm chicken/ sweet potatoe or brown rice / Avocado or nuts
7:30pm Beef or chicken / sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
late snack: cottage cheese add a scoop of whey

Actual training is all pyramid style
4-5 exercises per muscle group - 3 to 4 sets of an exercise 10,8,8,6
Split on various days
any suggestions?

Blood work - to be honest I need to investigate what the cost is
Appreciate you bringing that up thou

I cant thank you enough for the above questions - really helps
Thanks Soldier
Defo have more research to do

Sorry for my ignorance - I did not understand what you meant by Me gas Checklist?
Thanks again for your feedback
Hi Oldmusclemike

Thanks for the info.
I do agree with you that diet and training come first. Once that is on point then this will help but not the miracle.
If I have the rest of my ducks in a row so to speak - The gains and efficiency would be on point

Will carry on my research thou
thanks SoCal

Yip! this is one subject I think we will never stop learning.
Rather learn first thou than wing it

Good Luck with Your gains.
Would love to know what you have decided on as its your first time i assume (Would be interesting)
Hi Megatron

Thanks so much for your reply and advice really appreciate it.
Just wanted to reply to some of your questions

What will test dose be per week? Pinning frequency?
It seems 500mg to 600mg range is an efficient range to be in. I would like to break it up twice a week
Do you agree with that at all?

PCT: My nolva is 10mg - Nolvadex ***8211; 40/20/20/20/10
Clomid - some research says Nolvadex is just fine as a beginner, im not taking an extreme amount of test.
Thats the the reason I only got Nolva.
If I did test and winstol then both would be essential (Winstrol as you say is a no no for now)
Definitely both then?

AI - I do have some if needed
I need to do some more research on this thou as I am not sure for how long to run it.
Do you suggest running this anyway or only when needed?

Needle: No just the 23g unfortunately. As you have mentioned it is a better idea to draw with the bigger gauge for ease.
I will look into getting this - Thanks!

Test and some PIP - is there any way around this. What should I do to help?

My Diet is quite clean and Im trying to bulk at the moment
Here is my typical day -
5:45am (50g)Oats, almond milk and mix scoop of whey
Train - 6:45am
Whey shake (optimum nutrition) after gym
Breakfast: 4 egg whites + 2 yolks (Scrambled)
Cashews and Almonds (30g)
10:30am Turkey mince/sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
1:30pm chicken/sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
4:30pm chicken/ sweet potatoe or brown rice / Avocado or nuts
7:30pm Beef or chicken / sweet potatoe or brown rice (veg)
late snack: cottage cheese add a scoop of whey

Actual training is all pyramid style
4-5 exercises per muscle group - 3 to 4 sets of an exercise 10,8,8,6
Split on various days
any suggestions?

Blood work - to be honest I need to investigate what the cost is
Appreciate you bringing that up thou

I cant thank you enough for the above questions - really helps

So I noticed you skipped hCG. It is of huge importance if you want to give yourself the best chance of recover?

Beginner's need less PCT than advanced users? Why would knowledge effect PCT protocol?

Not taking an extreme amount of Test? What does that have to do with it? HPTA shutdown is HPTA shutdown. Do you think your HPTA shuts down more if your run 1g of Test or shuts down less if you run 300mg? Please explain how this works?

You forgot to list out what your PCT protocol will be. You merely listed what your Nolva pills are dosed at.

What AI do you have? It is typically recommended to run it from Day 1 up until PCT starts to manage aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. Have you read up on this process and side effects of high and/or low estrogen?

To lower your chances of PIP, get test dosed at 250mg/ml.

What are your diet macros and TDEE?

Have you read the link provided in my signature. You seem to not be anywhere near ready to run a cycle. It also covers getting blood work.
I've got a really really crazy fucking idea instead of Winstrol to harden up OP!

How about you run a clean diet at a calorie deficit and then in the last 4 weeks - smash the shit out of some HIIT training whilst keeping up your weights.

That'll harden you up, save your joints and ensure that your TEST ONLY 1st cycle runs like a dream!

And you got that advice for FREE :)

Welcome to 'Ology!

Hi Megatron

Appreciate the advice and guidance
I will be spending the next few weeks going though the link you have provided.

Will shout out if I have any questions
