Beginner Mass Cycle (Naps Gear)


New member
Items Included:

2 GP Test Enath250
1 GP Deca250
2 GP Turan
3 GP Anastrozole


Weeks 1-10: 500mg GP Test Enath250 ( 1ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-10: 250mg GP Deca250 - 250mg ( 0.5ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-4: 40mg GP Turan per day
Weeks 1-13: 0.5mg GP Anastrozole per day

A simple yet effective mass stack. Test and Deca with a T-bol kickstart. Will make a great first cycle with safe dosage to keep sides at a minimum. Will also provide quality gains for even the experienced user who likes to keep cycles reasonable. User also takes Anastrozole throughout the duration of the cycle to keep estrogen sides at bay and for 3 weeks afterwards to prevent estrogen rebound and to start the bodyâ***8364;***8482;s natural test production back up. Users of this cycle can expect to see impressive gains in both size and strength without a lot of excess bloat.

What do you guys think? And also is napsgear legit ********? They want ******** for this stack
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i actually think thats a lot of gear for a first cycle. i think you should hold off on the deca because number 1, you didnt get a prolactin inhibitor, and number 2, you havent even experienced extremely high levels of testosterone. 500mg a week puts your testosterone like 5 times what a normal mans is. so what makes you think you can handle a highly powerful androgenic 19nor steroid like deca?

WAY too much anastrozole for 500mg a week i dont even take that much when im doing a 1000mg a week. everyone reacts different to AAS. so if you're pinning the test twice a week, take 0.5mg the day of your injections. then get your estradiol checked 2 weeks later to see how that dosage/ frequency works for you. or if you're one of those guys whos too lazy to get bloodwork (which i highly do not recommend) judge your e2 levels by your boners and your water retention and your mood. although i doubt you'll be able to tell seeing as how this is your first cycle.

anyway, i really dont think you need the deca right now. my first cycle was test prop only 525mg a week for 10 weeks, and on the 10th week i was like 15-20lbs heavier with minimum fat gain and no water retention. thats what most nattys gain in 1 year. so dont get greedy, take it slow, and enjoy your first cycle brah. welcome to the dark side

and yes naps is legit, and GP is a great lab
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250mgs of deca for 10 weeks is a waste of deca and pins. Not a very good cycle at all. Actually, pretty stupid...
This cycle was one of the cycles pre designed on ******** pretty much comes as a bundle to give you everything you need and shows you when to take and how much but clearly it isn't correct. What would be your recommendation for first cycle? Would Test E only be effective? And what do I need as far as pct/on cycle? I was thinking about prop but don't really want to do EOD injections
This cycle was one of the cycles pre designed on ******** pretty much comes as a bundle to give you everything you need and shows you when to take and how much but clearly it isn't correct. What would be your recommendation for first cycle? Would Test E only be effective? And what do I need as far as pct/on cycle? I was thinking about prop but don't really want to do EOD injections

Read the site rules! This is the second post of yours that I have had to edit today.
This cycle was one of the cycles pre designed on ******** pretty much comes as a bundle to give you everything you need and shows you when to take and how much but clearly it isn't correct. What would be your recommendation for first cycle? Would Test E only be effective? And what do I need as far as pct/on cycle? I was thinking about prop but don't really want to do EOD injections
hahahah wait you found that cycle under a source's recommendation for "beginner cycle". of course they're gonna try to make you buy a lot of gear.

would test e only be effective?! did you read my post at all? im a very informative guy and my boy megatron knows that!