Beginner seeking help


New member
Hey guys,

My name is Ryan and i am 18 and am trying to gain mass quickly as are most of you. I dont know that much about the chemical side of using supplements and will probably need to learn a lot before i get in over my head.
For the past few years ive been extremely busy with sports and other shit and have just recently ran into some money where i can buy supplements and go to a gym and avidly workout. I do as much ad i can at home but its not paying off. The other guys i hangout with are all way bigger than i am because they all have the money and the time to buy supplements and gym memberships and over the past few years have quickly out-weighed me and i have fallen behind.
Im not looking to do steroids necessarily but need guidance as to what is right and safe for me. I have been looking at several different approaches such as natural ways, high protein diets, and a variety of supplements from simply taking whey to taking megaplexx. Any comments or tips would be appreciated.

Age: 18
Height: 5'11
Weight: 150-155lbs
Body Fat: 7%
sorry buddy but your way too young and do not need to use steroids, train as much as possible now, get as big as you can and when your 23-25 try them and enjoy. Yourll hurt yourself and waste your time taking them now and if you wait your end up much larger in the long run buddy by doing or normally and then making the transition in chemicals
I assumed that would be the response, so what are some other safe things that i can take or that i can do in order to gain a large amount of muscle mass quickly and keep it on. I know it's cliche, but im not trying to gain a lot of weight, i just want to get bigger in size.
youre really young so will most likely have very high natural test and this will help you gain alot and give you an advantage over others later on, train and gain naturally and get what size you can then when you go for the juice youll get far bigger on lower dosages than others will who started on it earlier.
You have to get a programme or routine that suits you and gives you a good workout, have a look into different programmes and see which os probably best suited to your body, life style and experiance.
Then workout how many calories you need to maintain your weight and try to exceed them whilst eating healthily, look to consume 1.5g of protein per lb of body weight some may say more than this, but this is a good start.
Start training and keep disciplined you should be gaining and increasing in size quickly your lifts should go up quite steadily aswell if it doesnt then somethings wrong, either the routine or diet.
You can look to protein shakes and cycle creatine on off if you like but these are supplements and will aid in your goal but you gotta get the basics in check and then eveything else wil fall into place along side them.
Experiment and see whats good for you if youre getting fat cut back the carbs etc, change the workouts up til you adapt and know whats best. then when you juice youll know your body and how to train and maximise gains, and also manage to keep them after youre done and then build upon them. but diet and the right routine are whats needed and dont go for something to intense to begin with, less is often more nd try to swap it up every few months, good luck