Beginner stack


New member
Im 33 6ft2 190 lbs. I just recently leaned out from P90x,I had a belly(skinny fat) , now i need to get big. In the past i have used test boosters, beastdrol with no results. Can anyone reccomend a stack or product. i dont want to waste my money again. Any comments are welcome.
beginners shouldnt stack do a basic test only cycle.Read all the stickys get a good understanding about aas and what a first cycle is
yeah i got a month or so before the cut period is up.So trying to get advice, read the stickys, and do my research before i make a decision, im an athlete so trying to get the best info possible. I also know that not everyone responds to everything. Thanks man
i guess the question is there are so much stuff out there, where do i start doing research. I inderstand that test is what i need but totally green when it comes to gear.
my man bundys right , research, research, reserach

first look into PCT and master this concept , without it your life will be ruined when you are done with your cycle, serious not exagerating

then look into testosterone probably test e or c or Sustanon (sust) ( less frequent injections)

and then look into Aromatase Inhibitors ( A.I.s )

do more research then come back with questions

p.s. whats your diet like ?
I spent months reading stupid amounts of posts before I started I gained 20lbs lean first time read read read best decision I ever made!!
bro if you don't want to jump in to a real cycle imo just do some prohormons like superdrol with halodrol and you can add some decent size to your frame and like every one here is saying research first! i think that diet is where i would start than look in to pct than into your cycle

good luck my dude
currently looking into diet and pct.Thats why im on here to get a good understanding of this. I eat about 75% clean right now but looking to improve every day. still in cutting stage so not nearly getting enough cals . I was on halodrol and it worked for a little while, but at that time my diet was shitty and sleep was horrible. Maybe thats a good place to start
I am assuming since you posted this under the PH and steroid alternative forum that you aren't ready for the REAL stuff yet. Well if you wanna try a PH I'd buy some superdrol, and pretty soon too. It becomes a banned substance in about a week :(

I just did my first SD run and was quite dissapointed, but I've seen plenty of others who've had amazing results. I am hoping my SD was just bunk or underdosed, so I got some more SD to see how it compares. I bought 5 grams of SD powder from EliteMuscles and I'm praying that this time I might see some results.
IMO you should be doing 5x5 and eating, you just did P90x so you haven't gotten the huge initial gains from heavy compound movements. If anything, start eating slightly more and try 5x5. You will get better results off that alone then a stack would get you, A stack will do so much but you have to work to get that size you want it will not come in a bottle. Look into it man hope this helps!