Best country to order raw powder form?

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becoming the bull
So I am about to start making my own batch of gear. I have already did cycles from other company's and it was great. The only problem is the online sources were to unreliable and almost cost me my ass. So I figure if I can get just get powder. Then I wouldn't have to order as often and thus decrease chances of getting seized or ripped off. I know that you can not give source on post so I am just trying to narrow my search down a little as there is so much bullshit. I spent almost 5 months trying to find legit sites just for already made gear.

Also any tips on how it should be package and a safe amount to be shipped would be great.
Also given price ranges on Sustanon (sust) powder and Deca.
Narrow your search down ? Really ?

Pls do yourself a favor & follow the rules, since u have apprently read them.. asking for a source or "narrowing" your searched isn't allowed.
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