Best ECA Stack?


New member
What is the best ECA stack out there? I have ECA Stack by Nutrasport but everytime i take it i throw it up 20min later. Pisses me off. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Xenadrine RFA-1 is the shit bro. I am never hungry when I take it and the weight loss is more than prescription weight loss drugs. Great for a preworkout boost also.
You wont find many real ECA's anymore due to the crackdown on ephedrine. Xenadrine is good and Tight by SAN's is a great ephedrine free alternative...
Ifrit said:
Leave it to the FDA to step in when they are not needed. Eventually.

This was merely the DEA using the FDA as a tool to ban ephedrine, thank the DEA for this one.
I go to my gym, and buy ephedrine hcl tabs....i buy a spped stack drink and i buy aspirin...I have done the following and i dont know how good it is, but i love the pre workout energy...but, i am not going to do it while on..

take a tab of each and chug a speed stack 15 minutes before the training session..and violoa...good to go for traing....

eph tabs: 12.00/60
aspirin: 5.00/500
speed stack: 36.00/24

so for 53.00 i get a good run for training energy...and lasts me a or minus dependent on how i am training at the time...

Canuck4 said:
IS NYC still available or is it pulled off the shelfs also?
That stuff was great.

Most of those were pulled as well, at least Syntrax's Adipo was and a few others.....
Why not drive down to the gas station and buy a bottle of ephedrine? Then get your no-doz and aspirin at the grocery store or something.
There is nothing better than SPEED STACK if your going with an ephdrine based product

I call it 80's in a bottle =)
I still like the old 25mg Ephedrine, 200mg Caffeine and 325mg Aspirin stack myself. Always works for me!;)
Fyre said:
I still like the old 25mg Ephedrine, 200mg Caffeine and 325mg Aspirin stack myself. Always works for me!;)

Is it 325mg aspirin? Well whatever is in an;)
If you are throwing up on any eca stack then that is a problem. Try a different one with different ingredients (besides the eca) and let us know if you have problems. You atleast need to know if it is stress from the eca causing this or stomach upset from any of the other "marketing junk ingredients" that they throw in there.
ECA used to make me throw up so I eat a half dozen Krispy Kreme donuts and a 2-litre of Pepsi when I take it. Works like a charm!