Best exercises for arm growth?


New member
I was just curious what exercises, reps, etc. you guys have gotten the best results in gaining arm size?
And do you take a full day just to train arms or do them w/other body parts?

I've been bulking for a few months and for some reason this time around my arms haven't seemed to gain as much mass as the rest of me. I always used to think your arms shud gain about 1" in size for every 10lbs of body weight put on or at least thats the results i've seen in the past. This time around I've gained about 22lbs and my chest back and legs have gotten much bigger, but my arms really haven't grown alot. My split was day 1-chest day 2-back/bis day 3-shoulders/tris day 4-legs about the last month i've been adding 1 day just for arms but only every other wk because I didn't wanna overtrain.
In the past i've had excellent results w/weighted dips and reverse bench for tris as far as bi's seemed like i'd doing diff. curls and throwing in some negatives worked well for me. Not sure why im not seeing the results i have in the past.
stats: 28yrs old been training over 10yrs 6ft 3in tall 273lbs bodyfat is probably close to 11% but haven't had it checked for a couple months now
i do back and bi's.. back first then 3exercises for bi's.. im a less is more kinda guy when it comes to bi's.. i like hammers and incline dumbell curls... but i constantly rotate excersises..
I like doing tris/bis. 4 excercises of each. 3 sets, 12-10-8, light to heavy. My fav tricep exercise is dips with a 45 pound plate on my lap, I do as many as I can then take the plate off and go till failure, helps if you have someone to grab the plate as it really gives you a good burn.
i do back and bi's.. back first then 3exercises for bi's.. im a less is more kinda guy when it comes to bi's.. i like hammers and incline dumbell curls... but i constantly rotate excersises..

ya my split has been similar. i did back and bis usually start w/deads, or rackpulls(i alternate those wkly) then do lat pull downs or wide grip pull ups and some form of rows, then wud do 2 sets curls and 2 sets hammers. I started switching arm exercises more lately so i'll see if that helps. Guess I didn't notice my arms lagging until I took measurements cuz I was so focused on my major lifts and strength gains and was doing great so didn't notice until almost 3months into it that my arms weren't growing near as fast as the rest of me.
ya my split has been similar. i did back and bis usually start w/deads, or rackpulls(i alternate those wkly) then do lat pull downs or wide grip pull ups and some form of rows, then wud do 2 sets curls and 2 sets hammers. I started switching arm exercises more lately so i'll see if that helps. Guess I didn't notice my arms lagging until I took measurements cuz I was so focused on my major lifts and strength gains and was doing great so didn't notice until almost 3months into it that my arms weren't growing near as fast as the rest of me.

there may be better excersizes for stimulating arm growth.. but for me that works.. my arms grow fast and get big easily but maybe for some1 with less arm success it might not work.. my arms grow just from lifting a fork to my mouth.. now my legs are a different
start eating with your feet pickle. thats the key

lol.. i got some chicken legs bro.. my calves are good from playing sports but my uppers are hurtin.. not weak just small compared to some off the leg monsters in my gym.. very defined and vascular.. never did a quad injection because if i ever hit one of those veins id be i got 3 or 4 that run down my legs that are as thick as my index finger no bullshit.. and theirs smller ones all over the place.. glutes and delts.. thats it
lol.. i got some chicken legs bro.. my calves are good from playing sports but my uppers are hurtin.. not weak just small compared to some off the leg monsters in my gym.. very defined and vascular.. never did a quad injection because if i ever hit one of those veins id be i got 3 or 4 that run down my legs that are as thick as my index finger no bullshit.. and theirs smller ones all over the place.. glutes and delts.. thats it

have you tried training them twice a week and limiting the amount of cardio you do around those days? sorry to post whore joshbeam...
have you tried training them twice a week and limiting the amount of cardio you do around those days? sorry to post whore joshbeam...

ive tried all kinds of things.. i dont skimp on legs by no means.. just not one of those guys with huge legs.. it doesnt bother me though.. makes my cock look bigger when i look down there.. :wink2:
ive tried all kinds of things.. i dont skimp on legs by no means.. just not one of those guys with huge legs.. it doesnt bother me though.. makes my cock look bigger when i look down there.. :wink2:

nice.ilmao. ya as far as that split went tho it used to work great for me. Its prob just time 2 switch things up again.
I like the bi/tri method too. Essentially you're hitting them 2x the same week when you work back and chest/shoulders. Overhead dumbell press blasts my tris and for bis I like doing seated curls. Mixing up routines keeps your body guessing. Concentrate squeeze and feel the burn.
I do Bi's/Tri's and forearms.

5x5 preacher
5x5 dumbell hammer
5x5 wide grip barbell

Im very happy with my arm development but my chest development is just lacking and imo pretty far behind the rest of me. I guess we all have our issues and its frustrating as hell.
Thanks for the input guys. I'll start doing more negatives(haven't done them for awhile) and keep switching things up.