Best pro hormone stack out there??


New member
Looking for the best pro hormone stack out there!! Many to pick from the one that has stood out to me is the ra Sinister 6 idk if it's worth 160$ tho please help
Go for the real deal, quit playing in the kiddy pool. I don't get pro hormones, you take these things, get little results, but all the side effects. Why not take the real deal, and get all the results. That's just how I look at it
Any of the mr supps stacks are g2g. Katana and diesel like mentioned above is an awesome stack.
It’s really informative to know about Sinister. I wasn’t aware that it could be used for purpose of muscle strength and thought only prohormone serves this purpose. I would love to know more about it. Is it safe?
dont know if you can stil get it but nicest stack ive run on a ph cycle was
forunner labs andro mass/bulk 1-8weeks
ironmaglabs cynostane 1-4weeks
zero lethargy on and off cycle nicest recovery of all my cycles and not 1 single side
but nothing will ever compare to my first superdrol cycle oh my lord that shit is retarted

generally try not to stack certain methyl's each other and when you do choose a lighter component along side your main compound like epi & hdrol or methyl-1-eti & epi or what i listed above
and in any case oral only cycles should be avoided
So anyone tried thermosterone yet? it's not a pro-h, but it has a nice ingredient stack for a natural t-booster. Didn't realize it was a thermogenic and was over-stimmed. Will let you know the rests.