best supps to have in morn b4 morning cardio?


New member
just wondering what would be the best suppies to have upon wake up b4 doing morning cardio, to help stop the breakdown of muscle tissue and how long should u wait b4 doin it after taking them?

i hear, amino acids, whey protein, coffee etc r all good as long as no carbs? can u take all 3 together? and any others that u can take?
I think morning cardio supposed to be done on empty stomach.. so guess nothing?
But I would say 20grams of Whey in Water...

Not 100% tho
Whey is fine - but either hydrolysate or isolate, as concentrate could have carbohydrate, which spikes insulin (and protects against fat oxidation/mobilization). Caffeine and BCAAs are fine too. I've read of tests where caffeine followed by leucine-enriched hydrolysate DURING fasted cardio kept respiratory exchange ratio (RER) around 0.75 - which is indicative of fat oxidation.

So I just have a little caffeine first thing, make my way to the gym, and sip on BCAA's during my cardio. Works really well for me.
