Best way to split oral dosages?


New member
I'm currently taking Winstrol at 50mg ED. Apparently it has a 8-9 hrs half-life. People suggests splitting the dose in half (AM-PM) to keep blood levels constant.

My tabs are 10mg each, so I've been taking 20mg AM, 20mg PM and 10mg before bed. I thought maybe this is a better option to keep blood levels constant 24/7, plus, we build tissue while sleeping, not while working out. This has lead me to think that maybe I should be doing 10mg AM, 20mg PM and 20mg before bed.

I'd go 20, 10, 20. Say you got up 8 am - 20 mg, 2 pm- 10 mg, 9 pm-20 mg. I'm not sure when you workout but you'd have the highest blood levels from night to morning which in my opinion is the most beneficial. Are you taking test with this as well (just curious).
Yeah I wouldnt sweat it that much to be honest. 20mg switched around isnt going to make any difference in muscle tissue.
I wouldn't worry too much about it ... that last 10mg you're missing before bed isn't going to make that much of a difference in my opinion.