Yes i didn't have a pen. I clearly stated i got only the Pfizer cartridge and couldn't get my hands on a Pfizer pen. That's what i was talking about.
If you know how the Pfizer cartridge looks like then you must know that it has part BAC water and part GH powder. That part BAC water get's pushed by the pen (if you have one) into the powder for mixing. Problem is the pen does it for you and then you only set the dosage on the pen and that's it. If you don't have a pen you also don't know how much water there is in that cartridge, so the only way to do it is to manually mix it with the powder and then pull all the mixed GH out in a syringe and see how many mls of mixed GH you have. Still following? Ok, knowing then that the kit is 36 IU you then know how many UI per ml you have and can do a rule of three (that's math) and estimate how many mls you have to draw for either 5IUs or 10IUs, depending on your choice. I skipped all that, because i didn't want to draw all the GH out and then have to re-inject it back, so i drew some marks on the bottle and that's it. It was a rough estimation, and if you people found it too unscientific for your taste or the results got too confusing for some, it's no problem! Make your own tests, draw your own blood and post it here afterwards for further free critique.