Better mood while on 1 gram + a week..?


New member
My last vial of test may have been underdosed, don't know, but I opened a new 10ml and bumped up dosage to over 1 gram. Over the past week I'm in so much of a better mood..before I was down/angry for no reason, just in a pissy aggravated mood. I wanted to get my test up asap if that was the case...this is the most I've taken w/in a week, but I feel so much better.
Gimp said:
same goes for me...though as little as 500mg does the trick for, I love test.
im in a better mood on a test cycle than any other time :)
Maybe T/E ratio has something to do with it, no idea. I actually felt kind of shoddy on 1050mg a week, but I dont know if it was that for sure or what, whooooooo knows.
yep, high dose of test means great sense of general well being. Only bad thing is I can also get in a shitty mood easier. Very moody but happy in general
the more the better, test is awesome... EQ was good too, while good gains, deca, tren, winnny et al seemed to have me down unless run with ALLOT of test.