Better Test E Kickstart?


New member
I'm starting a standard 250mg 2x/wk Test E cycle tomorrow. I'm 6'1 200 lbs right now, 9-10% body fat and have been training about 4 days/wk for 3 years. I'm looking to increase strength and add lean body mass. I'm naturally an ectomorph and have a fast metabolism, with a solid diet.

I have some SD, and Phantom Lab Phorce which is 30mg Dymethazine + 15mg LMG. Which would be better to kickstart my Test E? I'm leaning towards SD. I don't want to lose too much definition, and I know the Test E is already going to make me retain water therefore losing some definition while on cycle. Any suggestions?
Test e could take 4-6 weeks to kick in.. I'm not giving advice on oral stuff. I've used anadrol and dbol and loved them both. I don't use orals anymore cuz I'm in no hurry...
Perhaps try a frontload? Approx 1,000 a week for the fist week. Get blood levels up to par faster.
Don't front load your test just do your normal amount and yes it will take 4-5 weeks to fully kick in. I don't know a lot about phorce but is this your first cycle and have you ever ran SD because it is harsh on your body. Make sure you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and proper post cycle therapy (pct). Best of luck my man
You should just do a Test E only cycle. If you start experiencing sides, you won't know if it's from the Test or the oral. It's best to try one new AAS at a time so you can see how your body reacts to it. You didn't mention an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in your cycle, you definitely need to run one, preferably Anastrozole. It helps out with water retention, gyno, etc. Hold off on your cycle till you get one if you don't have one already. It's best to be safe than sorry when it comes to your health. What's your PCT plan look like?
This isn't my first cycle, I've run one cycle of test E before and one cycle of H-Drol. I have aromasin was planning 12.5mg ED and I have clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). I've never run SD or Dymethazine/LMG I stocked up on them several months ago and I know they're both more intense than H-Drol is.

Thanks for the advice so far.
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