bfor n after 10 wk test p

i was eatn steak and egg whites for breakfast. with oatmeal

lunch was tuna and brown rice

dinner could either b chickn/pork tenderloib and potatoes with brocolli

i would eat snacks in between like beef jerky and shakes,
tried to eat over 4000 cals a day, and keep it round 40p, 40 c , 20 f
npp and test
i am hopin to not use orals, and not wait around the four weeks. i am lookn to use short easter and open as many sites as possible.. well possible for me that is. i wanna keep scar tissue build up down, and havn as many spots as possible will help with that!

i am lookn to runn
test p at 600mgs / wk 1-12
npp at 400mg / wk 1-10
hcg 1-12 500 iu 2 x wk

Clomid 100,100,100,100

i was wanting to blast n cruise, but i am gonna have to work on diet and gettn myself a infinite pile of money! lol
i hope to get this soon as i would love nothing more then to workout and get paid to do it!
Good back bro. Need to bring delts and arms up. Possibly legs, didn't see them.
good work.
i pinned the quads, and i pinned the delts.. i did a couple of chest injections to end it all of and get me ampd for a second cycle.. i wanna open more spots and inject glutes.. i havnt yet. lol chest first i know - ass backwards eh..
but i will get some more pics up soon, ima do a before and after again in a couple weeks
and yea this was my first cycle. i have some good genes for gettin ripped. i have like no bf

Badass bro especially for a first cycle now just bring in those triceps and maybe more front/side delts. Rear are massive god damn lol. i started blasting mine to get them up to match the front
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damn that was a lean 25 lb gain... no bs weight it looks like... did you take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle? Nips look slightly puffy... any sensitivity or pain?