BigBen's first bodybuilding competition log

Hey Big Ben you have an amazing base to work from like some have stated. I'm really looking forward to progress pics homie! You have some serious potential. Oh and screw you for being over forty and makin us youngins look bad lollll jks! Keep us posted! Cheers
I've spent the last few days revisiting a few old friends....
It's just a coincidence that one is a fishmonger, one is a butcher and the other guy owns a chicken farm... honest!


Currently smashing my workouts with a new found intensity, although I got a little too brave over the weekend and tweaked a thigh muscle squatting reasonably heavy - just a little reminder that I'm not 21 anymore I guess...

Cruising for now on my TRT dose of Test and also on my 6th week on 700mg Equipoise...
Plan to keep this going for a good while yet, and introduce Tren Ace in Mid August.
Just waiting for my delivery from PSL and getting ancillaries on standby...
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Tren Ace arrived in rapid time from PSL today, well packaged, can't wait to get stuck in when I get back from my vacation mid-August...

Thursday saw my first week's re-measuring and next set of pics... sadly no growth anywhere in the first week and my weight has remained at 15st 11lbs...
I have been lowering high estrogen levels with Adex and DIM though, so perhaps the loss in water weight has something to do with this...
Nevertheless, training intensity is higher than ever... unfortunately I have picked up a twinge in my left hip whilst squatting - had some treatment from a physio on this last week but it's still nagging - so more time needed before I can hit legs again :(
Ben that sucks man, I feel yiur pain bro, myself found out I gota torn LCL, located on the outside of he knee, as I cannot squat either, just have to find other ways to hit legs, I suffer through the pain, damn stubburn ass I am, goodluck man, injuries suck but its part of the game
Whats your weight at?
Ben, dont get caught up in what the scale says or even measurements, as long as you can see changes in the mirror your moving in the right direction. Mirrors tell all and never lie, i dont even use a scale anymore, lol to much of a mind fuck.

You gonna see some great progress with the Tren brother, lean muscle growth and far burning effecta on a daily basis!! What are you thinking youre going to run it at?
Ben, dont get caught up in what the scale says or even measurements, as long as you can see changes in the mirror your moving in the right direction. Mirrors tell all and never lie, i dont even use a scale anymore, lol to much of a mind fuck.

You gonna see some great progress with the Tren brother, lean muscle growth and far burning effecta on a daily basis!! What are you thinking youre going to run it at?

I'm thinking of kicking it off at 50mg EOD for a week or so, check sides, if I'm coping fine, up it to 75mg or 100mg EOD...
I'll be 12/13 weeks into the Equipoise by then, so hopefully the two will work well together keeping my Test at my TRT dose of the equivalent of 250mg per week.
Ben that sucks man, I feel yiur pain bro, myself found out I gota torn LCL, located on the outside of he knee, as I cannot squat either, just have to find other ways to hit legs, I suffer through the pain, damn stubburn ass I am, goodluck man, injuries suck but its part of the game
Whats your weight at?

I agree... I'm going to rest it one more week with a further session of treatment... then I'll start to play around with the leg press, leg extensions etc first before resuming squats and lunges... I'm just wary of making a twinge something worse right now, so using caution.
Ya thats a good point to start at, I just finished up my Tren, I ran mine ED and, im not sure how side effects would vary shooting EOD as opposed to ED, but i felt no side effects whatsoever. I actually felt fantastic on it. I started at 50ED and upped it to 100ED, the quality gains and the way I looked, no other compound can even stand next to Tren, it is the best. You will so very well on it. If you do well on it, id consider running it for you competition. It has amazing anti catabolic effects, which serves wonders when dieting, increased nitrogen retention so you always look full, even when carbs are low. And increased feed efficiency which is the best part about it. It the ultimate pre contest drug.
Ya thats a good point to start at, I just finished up my Tren, I ran mine ED and, im not sure how side effects would vary shooting EOD as opposed to ED, but i felt no side effects whatsoever. I actually felt fantastic on it. I started at 50ED and upped it to 100ED, the quality gains and the way I looked, no other compound can even stand next to Tren, it is the best. You will so very well on it. If you do well on it, id consider running it for you competition. It has amazing anti catabolic effects, which serves wonders when dieting, increased nitrogen retention so you always look full, even when carbs are low. And increased feed efficiency which is the best part about it. It the ultimate pre contest drug.

It sure all sounds good Schredder, it's my first Tren run though, so I'm using caution early on... definitely stoked to see how it goes though...
Wow up to 700mg per week, I'm guessing that wasn't your first cycle with Tren?
It sure all sounds good Schredder, it's my first Tren run though, so I'm using caution early on... definitely stoked to see how it goes though...
Wow up to 700mg per week, I'm guessing that wasn't your first cycle with Tren?

Ben thats the best thing to do with Tren, ease into it, i was just giving you a little insight into what i did, just some food for thought for you. But yes! start low and then increase.

To be 100% honest it was my first time with Tren. Nowadays i try to run compounds at a healthy dose, i used to run low doses and never be totally happy with the effects so i run them a bit higher now to get the full effects and get the job done. Thats just me though.
Ben thats the best thing to do with Tren, ease into it, i was just giving you a little insight into what i did, just some food for thought for you. But yes! start low and then increase.

To be 100% honest it was my first time with Tren. Nowadays i try to run compounds at a healthy dose, i used to run low doses and never be totally happy with the effects so i run them a bit higher now to get the full effects and get the job done. Thats just me though.

I understand... well if this 8 week cycle goes well, I can always pin higher doses in the next cycle further down the line...
I appreciate your help, advice and previous experience buddy... thanks a lot :)

As I'm on TRT, do you think I should pretty much stay 'on' cycle from now until the comp?
And if so, do I just play around with different compounds as I work through my bulk?

Or is there anything to gain from coming off and just maintaining my TRT dose of Test?
Well, your comp is 11 months away correct? I personally wouldnt stay on heavy doses for that long, its not a matter if being shut down IMO as you are on TRT its a matter of health issues arising. High BP, high Hemocrit, lipids out of whack, liver enzymes out of whack, receptor sites fried. And also your body eventually just getting run down and saying screw you and not responding the way you want it to. Id run your Tren as planned, see how that goes, take a break for a while and just run your TRT flush out, clean out, and then maybe 16-20 weeks out ramp up and add in different compounds that are geared towards cutting and hardening.

You could even do another cycle in between the two as you have so much time. And this one could be used to try some new compounds out and see what they do and what you like, then youll have a good idea what will work good to mix and match for the pre contest cycle.
Yeah I agree with that... the thought of staying on for 11 months didn't excite me too much lol

Plus I like the thought of using a cycle to bust through a growth plateau - so what you said make sense.

Cheers again for your advice bud
Oh any time bro, ya ive done 20 weekers, and even that wears you out, by the end its tiring and time for a break. 11 months would be not good at all, lol.
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Show us some pics Ben! really curious to see someone with ur base on a stellar cycle. pumped man! no homo lol
I will be posting regular pics RR88, but I'm only 1 week in, with no change in measurements or weight at all...

I will post again when progress is made - at the moment there is no difference to the pics already posted...