Super Moderator
OK, an update, but not a good one...
I've torn my right tricep quite badly, meaning I'm going to be at least 4-6 weeks before I can do any pressing again...
I'm doing everything I can other than that, sticking to my plan with the diet, training around the injury - but if this drags on, I'm going to be forced to reconsider when I do this show...
I was supposed to be bulking until early December - but if I can't do any pressing (or leg work, still waiting on injection) until October - I'm not going to be able to pack on enough mass to stand me in good stead for a show.
My initial feelings at this stage, are to recover, get training with full function and pain-free again - and consider my options with regards to shows in the latter part of 2015.
I'm not stupid, I know I probably won't win my first show, but I certainly don't want to make a fool of myself either.
I'll only enter a show if I'm injury free, happy with my aesthetics, and can put together a good run up to the show without incident.
I'm gutted, but trying to keep positive with regards to simply postponing the show until I'm ready.
nothing is farther from the truth.. you have the potential to take first the first time... you just gotta come in right brother