BigBen's first bodybuilding competition log

Right, the plan is to kick off my 8 week Tren Ace cycle from mid-August after my vacation... I'll be combining it with my final 8 weeks of Equipoise, my Test dose will remain at 250mg weekly (TRT dose)...

As this is my 1st run on Tren, I'll be starting low at 50mg EOD, if I can tolerate the sides I will up the dose to 75mg EOD, and then possibly 100mg EOD later in the cycle.

I am aware of the many possible sides that Tren can cause... breathing, cough, night sweats, acne etc, raised E2 and Prolactin...

I have Adex and Prami as ancillaries for this cycle if needed...

I'm looking for any advice any experienced Tren users can give me before I get started. I want to be as educated as I possibly can. ie: will Tren affect my RBC count and HCT? Should I cease cardio whilst on? Is there anything to ease the sides? Is there a better time of day to pin? Plus anything else worth knowing....

Thanks fellas :)

Week 3 measurements and pics submitted to 3J today after 3 weeks on a 5000 calorie intake. Surprisingly only 2lbs gained so far, although I have been lowering oestrogen and unfortunately still not able to train legs yet due to a bursitis of the hip, which I am receiving treatment for... hopefully back squatting sooner rather than later as my legs are a glaring weakness right now...

Here's a few pics... Not much change yet, but it's early days and I will be starting an 8 week Tren cycle next month...

Again, if anyone can help me with the ^^ above ^^ post, I'd appreciate it :)
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Ben, have u got recent bloods done to check your thyroid?
It all depends from person to person, everyone reacts differently on tren, I personally love it!
Also about tren, either it loves u, or hates u, or u just deal with the sides,more aggressive theni already am when blasting tren, short tempered as well, as far as sleep goes, no problem with insomnia issues on tren or night sweats like other people have
Cardio I hardly do so I cannot comment on that, but as far as being more winded on tren when training high intensity
And sex is always on the back of your mind, unreal lol
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Don't know exact bodyfat right now Matt, not really interested just yet to be honest...

And in the UK, getting regular bloods is nigh on impossible, everything has to be done through your doctor, so no, no thyroid checks either...

I'm not planning on doing much cardio whilst running this 8 week Tren Ace cycle - I'm purely running it with muscle gains in mind whilst checking to see if I can tolerate the sides.
Don't know exact bodyfat right now Matt, not really interested just yet to be honest...

And in the UK, getting regular bloods is nigh on impossible, everything has to be done through your doctor, so no, no thyroid checks either...

I'm not planning on doing much cardio whilst running this 8 week Tren Ace cycle - I'm purely running it with muscle gains in mind whilst checking to see if I can tolerate the sides.

I can tell u this, tren is def the god of all steroids if it agree's with u, I wouldnt myself run anything else in my blast to either cut or bulk, if diet is in check u can get some amazing results, so since u are with 3j u will have no worries about dietingif u stick to it!, I gained 15lbs and kept 15lbs in 8 weeks time hovering the same bf %, evenon a deficit I seemed to gain, the shit is crazy bro, enjoy the ride man, and hopefully it agree's with u
Oh was running my cruise dose 200mg test e/week, tren a 150mg eod, by the way
Goodluck bro!!
Not a cardio guy myself, but since its summer here in canada been riding my bike to and from work, maybe 40min altogether light cardio
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Oh I would recommend obviously starting your tren off slow, even myself when I blast tren I always start off slow to get a feel for it again lol, like 50mg eod for the first week, then 100mg eod 2nd week, then up to 150mg eod throughout my cycle, u will know when it hits u lol atleast I do haha, and in the gym u dont ever wanna leave the weights, gym aggression just seeing and pounding the weights is insane on tren, hard to explain but u will know lol
As far as rbc count goes its def a good idea to get in a habbit of donating bloods every 56 days to lower your rbc count
And try to get some bloods done as well bro, as u may look great and feel great on the outside, but who knows whats going on inside!!
Congrats on your decision now you have to see it through. Correctly preparing for a bb contest is probably going to be one of the hardest things you will ever do. But I'm a very shy type too but when I was on stage I was fine.
Mr. Ben!!

Hey buddy, Ill throw my .02 in on the Tren questions.

First of all, the number one thing that is going to help you with any POTENTIAL side effects, is having a head thats screwed on straight, which, by talking to you I believe you have. If you can manage you emotions and be able to take a step back when your about to blow and say 'hey, what the fuck is really going on here' realize its the Tren talking, calm down and carry on. Theres no drugs that is going to take the place of that.

If you manage youre estrogen and keep that under control you probably wont need any prami, the negative side of prolactin are usually noticed because estrogen has gone out of whack. That's why guys will run low Test high Tren, they find it easier to manage side effects not having so much test floating around to aromatize. Now I don't agree with that totally, I say learn how to manage the estrogen properly and give er!! High Test high Tren. That's me though, so take that like a grain of sand.

I have read that ED shots compared to EOD shot can help on minimizing side effects. I cant comment from personal experience as I have only ran it ED, but the Acetate ester is very short, its half life is about 2 days. If you are going to shoot EOD make sure you inject at the exact same time every time you inject, don't let those levels fluctuate too much. that's when things start to go haywire and things like acne start to appear.

Last thing is, Tren can be nasty but people tend to blow things outta proportion as they do with everything. it can potentially cause some pretty scary side effects, possible mental side effects being the biggest problem IMO. There is no way to tell if you can deal with Tren or not without taking it, some guys cant run it some guys can. I avoided it for year after hearing all the negative things it can cause. I finally tried it and experienced nothing of what anyone talked about, except the odd shitty sleep, only side effect I got was a shit load of LMM gain, LOL!!

As far as the cough everyone talks about, you could literally run a full 8 weeks of Tren and never get it, I ran 8 weeks and only had the cough twice. It ONLY happens if you knick a vein when pushing the needle in, you can feel it comin on, tightness in the lung and a weird taste in you mouth, it not that bad at all really. Just make sure you take the needle out of you before you get into a fit , you don't want it to bend, or worse, break inside of you. Keep a fan blowing on you at night to keep you body temp. as low as possible at night. You might not sweat at all but Tren raises your body temp. like crazy. Monitor you BP as well Ben, mine went way up while on, still in normal range but not optimal.

I heard a guy say once, and it was the best thing ive heard when it come to steroids. Steroids take issue you already have and make them worse, they DO NOT take a normal, grounded person with a good head on their shoulders and turn them into a monster. Its all in the head brother, the mind can control anything you want it to control.
Cheers guys, first hand experience is just what I'm after....

Thanks Schredder for your detailed post, I bought a fan this afternoon to sit by the bed for when the cycle kicks off, I have adex and prami on hand for any eventualities... I like to think I'm pretty level headed, but I'm gonna have to watch it at work for sure if things get out of hand lol

As for cardio, I'll be doing very little on this 8 week cycle as I'm purely bulking at this stage... if things go well and I cope ok, I'll be including Tren again in my pre-comp shred cycle... and cardio will be included at that stage if needed...

Things are definitely changing by the day now... colleagues are commenting that I'm looking bigger and my t-shirts are definitely clinging in all the right places...

I do have one more question... is injecting tren first thing in the morning the best way to go?
Surely you'll get the benefits out of it in your workout, and sleeping will be easier too?
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I always inject in the morning. I kid you not, and I don't know about anyone else, but I can feel it as soon as I inject it. It will help somewhat with sleep if there is an issue by shooting in the AM IMO.
Back is definitely coming on... still unable to train legs due to bursitis of the hip...
Anti-inflammatory injection needed - unfortunately have to wait til mid-august to get it :(

Serious leg catch up needed after that! :eek:
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OK, an update, but not a good one...

I've torn my right tricep quite badly, meaning I'm going to be at least 4-6 weeks before I can do any pressing again...

I'm doing everything I can other than that, sticking to my plan with the diet, training around the injury - but if this drags on, I'm going to be forced to reconsider when I do this show...

I was supposed to be bulking until early December - but if I can't do any pressing (or leg work, still waiting on injection) until October - I'm not going to be able to pack on enough mass to stand me in good stead for a show.

My initial feelings at this stage, are to recover, get training with full function and pain-free again - and consider my options with regards to shows in the latter part of 2015.

I'm not stupid, I know I probably won't win my first show, but I certainly don't want to make a fool of myself either.

I'll only enter a show if I'm injury free, happy with my aesthetics, and can put together a good run up to the show without incident.

I'm gutted, but trying to keep positive with regards to simply postponing the show until I'm ready.
that sucks man, bulking too, maybe swap out the tren ride some deca for the joints, bro it does wonders, i know it potentially masks the issue and def gotta watch yourself but i too suffer from a torn Lcl ( knee injury), and in my 4th week and the shit feel moveable again and i can pump my legs without hardly any knee pain what so ever, like i said i gotta watch it, i pump them light, nothing crazy, but still hit the legs once a week keeping them in check
goodluck on your recovery bro!
Well that totally sucks bro, howd you tear it? Some sort of overhead extension movement?

I wish!

Don't laugh... I was doing some heavy weighted calf raises using a bench and holding onto a bar on a smiths machine for balance...
The bench literally collapsed and as I was grasping the bar I felt a pop in my right arm triceps... within 5 secs it had gone like a balloon and the bruising is pretty spectacular now a week later...

I've ordered some TB500 (peptide) which is taken via SubQ injection twice weekly - read great reports on it's healing powers - anyone heard anything about it? It wasn't cheap!

Yeah, I've held off on the Tren for now, was just about to start it - but pointless at this stage now... I'm gutted as I'm on week 15 of my Eq and it would have tailed in perfectly for the next 8 weeks... ah well, never mind.

Definitely thinking about running low dose Deca for a while to help matters though
Ben I don't like hearing this. I hope you recover TB500 will help you do just that. Running a low dose of Deca every week is smart. I think you need to. Are you using growth hormone?