Weight- 101 lb
I'm 6 weeks out from a BIG show where I aim to get my pro win. I just finished 2 shows this month where I did well. Because I travelled overseas I'm unsure if I'm holding water or fat from eating whatever I wanted for 2 days post the show. I'm back to clean eating now and as per the diet given by my coach my macros are as follows to bring me down -
Protein- 100gms, Carbs- 30gms, Fats- 22gms
Cardio morning eve alternate days. Rest of the days is weight training followed by 40 min cardio.
I put on a lot of muscle and the feedback I got is I need to come in leaner and tighter on my lower body which is where I mostly hold fat.
During my last prep I used HGH fragment- 8 units
T3, Clen, Ketotefen- 2 weeks on two weeks off.
Yohimbine for fat burn when off Clen.
Im maybe thinking of not taking T3 this time and using a combination of Clen and Yohimbine. Want to get away with minimal side effects.
Could you please help chalk out a fat burning plan for me considering the time I have. What to have in combination with what, dosage, when and for how long.
Weight- 101 lb
I'm 6 weeks out from a BIG show where I aim to get my pro win. I just finished 2 shows this month where I did well. Because I travelled overseas I'm unsure if I'm holding water or fat from eating whatever I wanted for 2 days post the show. I'm back to clean eating now and as per the diet given by my coach my macros are as follows to bring me down -
Protein- 100gms, Carbs- 30gms, Fats- 22gms
Cardio morning eve alternate days. Rest of the days is weight training followed by 40 min cardio.
I put on a lot of muscle and the feedback I got is I need to come in leaner and tighter on my lower body which is where I mostly hold fat.
During my last prep I used HGH fragment- 8 units
T3, Clen, Ketotefen- 2 weeks on two weeks off.
Yohimbine for fat burn when off Clen.
Im maybe thinking of not taking T3 this time and using a combination of Clen and Yohimbine. Want to get away with minimal side effects.
Could you please help chalk out a fat burning plan for me considering the time I have. What to have in combination with what, dosage, when and for how long.