Biotech Gear Fake?


New member
Just read a column in the new muscular development mag. where william llewelyn the author of anabolics, said that the bio tech gear is fake!! Whats up with this?
God I really hope not bro!!!!!!!! I just got like a years worth of bio-tech gear! WTF!!!!!!
Im running Ts400,Deca and EQ all from bio-tech. I just had my test levels checked out and they where through the roof. As far as the Deca and EQ goes its still kind of early because I've only been on them for 5 weeks but all of the signs that I saw with past usage are there. High Agression, Hard Cock, Painful pumps at the gym when lifting, oily face, BP is slightly high and my joint and ligament pain is gone. I don't know what to say about that article bro. But damn it makes me think!!!!!!!! I hate this shit!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to have to look for a new source again? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
william llewelyn i got a few mail with him when he was on Bodyofscience.

i'm sorry for you guys, but William has a REAL knowledge... no offense to anthony roberts blog.
Your sure it was biotech and not biogen? Ive used biotech and loved it... but heard a diffrent story about biogen.
I strongly disagree I believe there r some fakes going around. But biotech is not fake bloodwork don't lie..
I saw this too, I think they are saying thats its just not an actual pharmacy, its just another underground lab. Guys just go check out the new muscular development. He talks about the biotech pharmaclinico website not being accessible and how the vials are reusuable and not amples like human grade would be. Also the clamp around the top of the vial is dented like it was put on by hand instead of machine. Perhaps there are some fakes going around but my biotech gear is g2g
Fake or just not actual pharma? Everyone sells it as human grade gear when it's ugl and always has been with a nice box and label. I know that they have some good products, so I'm assuming fake means it's not hg as it's claimed to be.
Don't worry boys bio tech is good to go from 2-3 sources. But it's not HG as they claim it to be and it's a bit expensive, but you pay for the shrink wrapped boxes. There is a source that carries bio tec and another brand, they claim both are human grade but neither are, at the same time they are both quality products.
I saw this too, I think they are saying thats its just not an actual pharmacy, its just another underground lab. Guys just go check out the new muscular development. He talks about the biotech pharmaclinico website not being accessible and how the vials are reusuable and not amples like human grade would be. Also the clamp around the top of the vial is dented like it was put on by hand instead of machine. Perhaps there are some fakes going around but my biotech gear is g2g

This is what I think as well.
yep what these guys are saying is right. the GEAR is not fake. the "lab" aspect of it could be, they are not some gmp pharmaceutical company. they are a ugl brewing quality gear out of their 'lab' and distributing it. don't worry about the quality of the actual oil you receive, all reports we're hearing right now are that they are on point.
People need to remember human grade does not indicate a quality level, or a "lab professionalism" level even. It indicates whether or not a pharmaceutical company has a license to make gear specifically for use by humans.