
New member

Does anyone know what these mixes are comprised of? Ive been looking all over the place, and I cant find the info :rant:

thanks guys....

BIO TECH T400 is 175 test cyp, 175 test enan, 50 test prop
UNI Vet is Each ML contains
Testosterone cypionate 50MG
Testosterone enanthate 50MG
Testosterone phenypropionate 40MG
Testosterone propionate 30 MG
Testosterone decanoate 200MG
Testosterone isocaproate 30MG
Ive tried Bio tech and it worked very well, just got some UNI VET T400 and am excited to try, its supposed to be an awesome blend, I have heard great reviews
BIO TECH T400 is 175 test cyp, 175 test enan, 50 test prop
UNI Vet is Each ML contains
Testosterone cypionate 50MG
Testosterone enanthate 50MG
Testosterone phenypropionate 40MG
Testosterone propionate 30 MG
Testosterone decanoate 200MG
Testosterone isocaproate 30MG
Ive tried Bio tech and it worked very well, just got some UNI VET T400 and am excited to try, its supposed to be an awesome blend, I have heard great reviews

I don't think you're correct on the Bio-Tech T400

I have a bottle and box in front of me now and it has the Test you listed for UNI-Vet.

I think UNI-Vet and BIO-Tech is all the same.
I don't think you're correct on the Bio-Tech T400

I have a bottle and box in front of me now and it has the Test you listed for UNI-Vet.

I think UNI-Vet and BIO-Tech is all the same.

I used univet sust with some other UG brand called mad muscle and had good results but had to stop short cuz i got strep throat. but one thing though wherever i injected the univet i swelled up like a bitch for about a week
Dominator youre right about the different mgs of test being the same....My bad, I had it mistaken for the Denkall labs t400 I had tried.