Blast and cruise at 21 years old!?


New member
This is about a friend of mine, not me. Last February he ran his first cycle, fell in love with the mindset, he said it brought him out of a bad head space, and he stayed at 500mg of cyp a week for 7 months, he swore he was going to blast and cruise for life. Recently he changed his mind and decided he wanted to come off and recover (if possible) and run 1 cycle a year until he was 30, then go on trt. Then he changed his mind again and wants to continue blasting and cruising. And now he's getting hcg and pct so he could come off... Any advice on what this dumbass should do? I only have 4 weeks experience so i can't offer advice of merit to my friend. But in my opinion, his natural test already took a beating, is taking a year of miserable recovery time worth it just so he could beat on his natural test some more? Although he abused steroids dont flame the homie because he was 5'11 and 220lbs naturally, lifting/dieting for 8 years
so he has not ran hcg since day 1? If he really wanted to improve chances to recover, he should have been running hcg at least 500iu PW as long as he is supplementing test in his body. It's a pain to grow testes back to normal size and if he ran hcg, they would not have atrophy. If he wants to come off now, it's going to take a strong PCT and lots of time to see if he can. I'd run HCG ED at high doses, idk how much (maybe 2000IU), but just to get testes back to normal, then run clomid and nova to start up. Make sure u do bloods to see if it goes back to normal, if it doesn't after sometime, then its trt for life.

I ran test at 500 for 22 weeks, but I also ran hcg too since day 1. trt or not i'm alwayys running it. It's cheap too and if u understand how to mix it, then it's not a problem. I free the syringes too, last forever pretty much. I froze about 50 pre-loaded syringes with the mix hcg and just defrost and use as needed.

If ur looking at hcg mix: generally i'd do 5,000IU = 5ml bac = .5cc insulin loaded up mixture to 250IU shot subQ. Do this twice a week and just mass freeze em. This is for just general B/C IMO. diff approach if u need to recover testes.
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This is about a friend of mine, not me. Last February he ran his first cycle, fell in love with the mindset, he said it brought him out of a bad head space, and he stayed at 500mg of cyp a week for 7 months, he swore he was going to blast and cruise for life. Recently he changed his mind and decided he wanted to come off and recover (if possible) and run 1 cycle a year until he was 30, then go on trt. Then he changed his mind again and wants to continue blasting and cruising. And now he's getting hcg and pct so he could come off... Any advice on what this dumbass should do? I only have 4 weeks experience so i can't offer advice of merit to my friend. But in my opinion, his natural test already took a beating, is taking a year of miserable recovery time worth it just so he could beat on his natural test some more? Although he abused steroids dont flame the homie because he was 5'11 and 220lbs naturally, lifting/dieting for 8 years

Sorry, but starting lifting at 13 doesn't count.

What can you say to this? Really. "Sorry bud, but you're fucked no matter what you do?" What about, "Hey man, you're going to be on TRT IF you can get it prescribed far sooner than you realize?"

People will only listen to what they want to hear, unless something scares the shit out of them otherwise...

Sadly, sometimes you have to let folks just stick their hands in the fire to see that it is indeed quite hot. :agreed:
typically i would agree about lifting at 13 but even that young his life revolved around working out and he was always bigger/stronger than everyone else his age.
Someone was holding hcg for him from the start of his cycle and they got in a fight and the hcg was smashed ***128513;.
he needs to run a restart protocol...

here is what i personally recommend.

500iu hcg eod for 16 days.. all while taking 20mg nolva daily

then after the 16 days 100mg clomid ed for 1 week and 50mg clomid for 4 more weeks..

wait 6 weeks after that and take a hormone panel