blast and cruise puffy nipples help


New member
i made the decision back in august to stay on aas in that time i have done 2 cycles and 1 cruise cycle.
i have just finished my second blast cycle but over the past 2 weeks started to develop puffy nipples. im taking armidex 0.5eod and hcg 2x250iu a week
my cycles arent heavy at all im cruising on 250mg test a week
and my blast phase i run around 600mg and add an oral for 6 weeks depending on the compound

any suggestions?
I get the same thing on a cycle of Test; even when E2 is totally in check. Assuming you know you are ok there, it is likely just the extra hormones in your body. For me it flares up worse a day or so after my shot and it's the worst at night. As soon as I cycle off, it's back to normal
Is it bad that I dont give a fuck about gyno/nip issues anymore?

Granted, I do control my e2... I just seem to see all these bodybuilders develop gyno and hear of others having the surgery. I think it might just be something inevitable for this journey I am on, the surgery only costs a couple grand..... Then it can never come back either.
Is it bad that I dont give a fuck about gyno/nip issues anymore?

Granted, I do control my e2... I just seem to see all these bodybuilders develop gyno and hear of others having the surgery. I think it might just be something inevitable for this journey I am on, the surgery only costs a couple grand..... Then it can never come back either.

That statement is wrong. It can come back
I get the same thing on a cycle of Test; even when E2 is totally in check. Assuming you know you are ok there, it is likely just the extra hormones in your body. For me it flares up worse a day or so after my shot and it's the worst at night. As soon as I cycle off, it's back to normal

I have the same issue am learning as I go. Even with a low E2 reading I can have a flare up so I've started basing my flare ups on my T:E ratio insteadd of just on E2 level
So you are only on hCG and Adex right now? Nothing else?

is the adex alone not enough ai? Im up to 700test/week with hcg, but only using adex at .5per day, I thought it is enough. I do have aromison on hand and contemplated on using it in conjunction to keep any e2 rebound possiblities. Also have nolva, but was saving that for pct.
run your AI at the dosage needed to control your e2 levels and then just run raloxifene along with it as your gyno insurance policy. forget just having stuff on hand, be pro active if its a concern for you.
It depends on the surgeon though. Most will only remove the excess breast tissue. If you get one willing to remove the entire mammary glands, your good to go.

This is from Austinites article Do I have Gynecomastia

Frequently Asked Questions:

3. Can I develop gynecomastia even if I've had the surgery in the past?
--- Yes, you most certainly can. Having surgery is not a reason to ignore signs and estrogen management.
OK. You made it sound like you weren't on any test. How much were you running during your blast and how much Adex were you using then? Where did that put your E2?

cycle i just did was 600mg test e and 100mg turinabol(5weeks) adex dosage was 0.5mg eod towards end of cycle , start of cycle was 0.25eod
as for my e2 levels i have not had any blood work done as to be honest wouldnt know where to start to look to do that in the uk
just a bit more info
ive been on test for 8 months and hcg for that time too.
could it be an issue with the hcg?
theres no sign of sore or itchness so i would say no symptons of gyno but maybe a few days on nolva? to see if that helps
This is from Austinites article Do I have Gynecomastia

Frequently Asked Questions:

3. Can I develop gynecomastia even if I've had the surgery in the past?
--- Yes, you most certainly can. Having surgery is not a reason to ignore signs and estrogen management.

Yep, because most won't remove the entire gland. I can't remember now but I believe there is some reason for it...
just a bit more info
ive been on test for 8 months and hcg for that time too.
could it be an issue with the hcg?
theres no sign of sore or itchness so i would say no symptons of gyno but maybe a few days on nolva? to see if that helps

hCG can cause Intratesticular aromatization. AI's are not effective at stopping it. But you aren't taking that much hCG so I doubt it.

Itchy nips aren't gyno. So it is probably nothing. If it doesn't go away in a few days on its own take some Raloxifene.
hCG can cause Intratesticular aromatization. AI's are not effective at stopping it. But you aren't taking that much hCG so I doubt it.

Itchy nips aren't gyno. So it is probably nothing. If it doesn't go away in a few days on its own take some Raloxifene.

thank you for your advice
ill see if i can get my hands on raloxifene thats uk based , if not would tamoxifen still do the job?